The Legend of BelleVille

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As the train arrived, a heavy feeling in the very bottom of her gutt told her she should not go...
At least....

Not alone
Lucy sat near the main exit by the window alone.

She looked down at the book she checked out.

She signed deciding to read It again.

The title of the book said The City Of BelleVille

And then Came the legend...

Acording to the Legend a evil force was slowly rising somewhere within the city with the help of a dark guild named Orthodox. One of the members of the dark guild was Belle, a celestial mage who obtained 14 Zodiac keys. (the 13ths is Ophiuchus that actually exists!) She was and still is the most powerfull celestial mage to have ever existed in this world. Unfortunately the 3 identities of the other 3 members still remains unknown until this day. The other 3 members had put Belle under a spell to help them since she was unwiling to help them. The day when the force was supposed to be revived Belle's spirits managed to awaken her from the spell and since she was the key to the resurection there was nothing to be done. Belle knew what to be done in order to prevent any further damage. she sacrificed herself to freeze the 3 mages in a different dimension for 1,000 years. For her sacrifice the citizens of BelleVille name the city after her and built a statue of her in the heart of the city.

Lucy was so concentrated on the book that she Did not notice the people starting to leave the train.

She snapped Back to reality and once again started to run towards the statue of Belle.
Sting was worried.

Last time he had seen Lucy was about 3 hours ago and since then there was no news from her.

He and Rogue had been searching the library, Their guild, and even Fairy Tail.

But still she was nowhere to be seen.

Sting walked up to Mira and ordered a Margarita.

"Eh?! Margarita?!" Mira asked.

"You Heard me" Sting growled anoyingly.

"In this guild we only drink when we Party OOOOOOR when we have problems!" She exclaimed.

" whats your Point?!" Sting asked clicking his tongue in quite annoyance.

" What is your problem?" She asked inocently.

Sting stopped for a second.

"Lucy... S-she disapeared"

"EH?!? HOW COULD YOU LEAVE HER SIDE YOU BASTARD!" Gray shouted out of nowhere.

The whole guild started to form a circle around Sting and Rogue.

"You better explain to us!!!" Levy threatened.
Carla was sweaty and tired.

Wendy and her where on a simple mission to clean up a mansion and it was a complete NIGHTMARE!

She sat doem next to Wendy to take a small break from the mess She had to clean along With Wendy.

Carla twiched her nose as a weird feeling took over her tail.

Her world turned pitch black even though she was definetively consious.

She heard footsteps, They where heavy and rough hitting the ground With full force. The footsteps seemed to split into 3 and each time the sound would get stronger.

Carla turned around and gasped in suprise.

3 men stood in a horizontal row facing a familiar face.



Rogue: geese can Erza make her Shut up already?

Erza: but i love author-sama!

Sting: yeah Rogue! Have some more respect for your admirer.

Rogue: she... Admires me?!?

Me: yeah.... (Just like i admire Natsu, Sting, Midnight, and Cobra AND LUCY OF COURSE SHE BE LIKE BÆ)

Rogue: im so sorry dona-chan i love u 2.

Lucy: *sulks in emo corner* Rogue does not love me ;-; ..... THIS MEANS LUCY HAS A LOVE RIVAL!!!!

Juvia: wait does this mean..... GRAY-SAMA WHERE ARE YOUUUUUUUU!?!?!

Gray: thank you so very much Lucy! ~note sarcasm

Natsu: Anyways i think the Point is that Fairy Tail does not belong to Dona-Chan.... And.... THAT LUCY AND DONA-CHAN ARE MINE.

Sting, Rogue, Cobra, and Midnight out of nowhere: don't be so sure

Lucy and Dona-chan: O\\\\\\O

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