A Mystery To Be Solved

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BINGO! I stopped flipping the pages as the picture of the women's statue was in page 309.

I looked up from the book With a shocked expression.

"Could it be...."

I stood up and checked out the book.

I ran to the train station as fast as lightning bumping into Magnolia's citizens and getting cursed at.

Narator P.O.V.
Lucy reached the train station in barely 5 minutes!

For her that was a new record she never would be able to beat.

She wiped the sweat out of her forehead and Bought a ticket to the town of BelleVille.

Luckily the train would be arriving in 5 minutes Which was not much for Lucy to wait.

As the train arrived, a heavy feeling in the very bottom of her gutt told her she should not go...
At least....

Not alone
I am finally on Vacation so YAY!!!
Many updates are to come!!!

Love, Dona-Chan <3

Nightmares { A Nalu, Sticy, Rolu, and Colu FairyTail Fan-Fiction }Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora