Dragon Force

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"All I know is we'll kick their asses for doing this to you Luce!" He smirked with enthusiasm.

Lucy smiled, grateful for having Natsu.

An explosion occurred outside.

"Stay here" Natsu said.

"No way, I'm coming with you" she insisted.

Natsu and Lucy walked to the door and opened it slowly.

"They located us!" Lucy exclaimed.

The 3 demon slayers Lucy had encountered before were now walking past many of the guild's members laying on the floor.

"My magic is back!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Celestia dragon's healing breath!" She chanted as her mayor wounds disappeared.

"Everyone in the guild is passed out!" Natsu informed.

"Wait, were are Sting and Rogue?"

"Right here blondie" Sting said appearing next to Natsu as Rogue and Cobra appeared next to Lucy.

"We should all try to use dragon force" Lucy said.

"But it is dangerous for 1st time users" Rogue warned.

"It's pretty much our best shot" Lucy added.

"Lucy what is your dragon generation?" Rogue asked.

"I don't know"

"Ha! I see finally we will have an actual fight!" Natsume said sassily.

"Let's do it" Cobra suggested.

The dragon slayers held hands in a line, Lucy being in the middle.

They all closed their eyes concentrating deeply in their magic.

Soon yellow light started to emerge from them, the boys changed almost automatically, but Lucy remained shining. Her light turned white and it started to go in circles around her, her hair was flying all around as it grew about 6 inches longer. Her outfit, it changed in a mili-second, turning into a beautifull white Ball Gown and white shiny ballerina flats. White daisies appeared magically on her hair making her appear like a princess.

The light slowly began to fade.

Once Lucy opened her eyes, there was something odd about them. Instead of being brown, they were golden.

"Luce, your eyes"

She gave him a confused look.

"They're gold" Sting finished.

'Beautiful' the 4 dragon slayers thought at the same time.

Cobra looked at the 3 other dragon slayers smirking at the fact he had the advantage of being able to read their thoughts. The 3 others just blushed as Cobra smirked at them.

"Fire Demon..." Natsume's mouth filled with a dark and mysterious fire.

"Roar!" He threw his spell at Lucy, who put her hands in a cross In Front of herself and chanted "Celestial Dragon's Defense!"

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