Don't Pity Me

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The bell rang to end the day, I finished shelving the books when Karissa came in "Let me help you." She grabbed a book off the cart "I'm sorry if I came off weird at lunch. I enjoy picking on my brother and sometimes I forget it can make people uncomfortable."

I grabbed another book "I find it funny to make people uncomfortable." She stood back up "See I knew I'd like you." The librarian came from her office "Violet you don't have to stay past class to do that." I looked at her "I only have a few more books to shelve it's not an issue."

Karissa's attention went to the glass walls as her attention was caught by Kristian, Luke, and Madison waving at us. We quickly finished shelving and we joined them. Karissa and Luke took the lead as Madison ran off to her mom's car. Leaving Kristian behind with me "Is your mom here yet?"

I looked around and caught eyes with her; I nodded "Yeah. She is." Before I could turn to leave he stopped me "Violet." I turned back as he came up and whispered "I can talk to her. She's really a sweet lady once you get to know her." Before I could object, she was approaching us.

She gave Kristian a smile "Hey how was your day?" She placed her hand on my upper back and Kristian smiled "Tonight's the church's bonfire. Would it be okay if Violet could join? Our parents will be there. You're welcome to call them." I studied his face and how trusting he seemed.

She looked at both of us "No need. I spoke with Madison's mother already and you're free to go." I cleared my throat in shock she agreed. I was never able to do anything without my foster parents near me. Maybe Kristian wasn't wrong about her. My thoughts were interrupted when Kristian spoke again "Would you both like to come to my game?"

She rubbed my back "Unfortunately I have to work but I'm sure Violet would love to." I felt like she was giving me away to him; I exhaled. She grabbed her purse "Almost forgot. Here's this so we can stay in contact." She handed me a phone and my eyes widened.

She brushed my hair back out of my face "It has service. So if plans come up then you can text me instead of me coming down here." I looked over the phone and my heart raced. It was my first phone and I felt pretty embarrassed she did that in front of him.

She gave me one last pat and was leaving. I looked at Kristian who watched me as I looked over the phone. He gently reached for it and unlocked it. He started typing, I watched him. He handed it back "You have mine and Karissa's numbers now."

Karissa approached us "What did I miss." Kristian turned to her "Not much. She's free to hang out with us." A grin grew on her face "Yay!" She gripped my arm and dragged me to Luke's car. Kristian followed shortly with a laugh.

We pulled up to a secluded restaurant; Clay's. It was surrounded by animals and trees, it had a ranch vibe to it but it was a restaurant. They had animals roaming nearby and horses that met you as you entered. We got into line to order; Kristian turned to me "Ever been here?"

I shook my head no "Don't go out often when.." I stopped myself but he knew what I was going to say, he nodded with a smile "You'll like it." We moved through the line pretty quickly; I looked back at the horses when I became shocked at someone grabbing my hand as we moved forward. I looked at his hand barely holding mine, I gulped and told myself don't overthink it.

He released it almost immediately, I caught eyes with Karissa who looked over Luke's shoulder as she leaned against him she had a smile on her face. Once we got up to the stand, Kristian turned to me "What would you like?" I became shocked "You don't have to." He smiled with a chuckle "No issue. Get whatever you like."

We ordered and joined Karissa and Luke at the table while we waited for the number to be called. Karissa jumped up and went down the ramp to the animals; I followed her. She started petting the horses "What do you think of my brother?" I became awkward "Wha..what?"

She turned her eyes to me "Oh no I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable. I was just making sure he was nice to you." I pressed my lips together and pushed all of the thoughts to the back of my mind "Oh. He's nice."

She went back to petting the horse "He can be a little mean sometimes. It's his way to let girls know that he's not interested. I just hoped he wouldn't do that to you." I gave her a smirk "Hasn't yet." She looked back at me as her hand moved along the horse's snout "Good." She acted as if she knew something only she was trusted with.

She looked back at the guys and I glanced back, they both were looking this way. Karissa brought her attention to me "Do you like him?" I panicked at the straightforward question but before I could answer, she reassured me that she meant no harm.

I looked away "I try not to get close to people. Leaves less heartbreak." She grinned "So yes?" I wasn't even sure how I felt suddenly having friends, let alone a crush. She noticed my face "I couldn't imagine being ripped apart from people you learn to trust. I'm sorry V."

I shrugged with a bit of attitude "I figured all of you knew. This is a small town after all. Just don't pity me." She looked surprised at my response "Okay.." she paused for a second "I don't want you to feel like I'm coming at you." I shook my head "It wasn't intended to come out that way."

Before she could answer, the speaker called our orders up. We headed back and cleaned up in the bathroom; we sat back down. I felt uncomfortable after that, she hadn't said anything else to me.

I sat quietly as I nibbled on my fries; Karissa watched me "V?" I looked at her, she smiled "Do you like it?" I nodded as an older couple approached hugging Kristian and Karissa. They introduced themselves as their grandparents. The server came by "Hey Doris, Andrew, Karissa, Luke..."

Once she looked at Kristian, she paused and said his name in a different tone. "Kristian. And?" Karissa looked up "Violet." She looked me up and down then with a tone "Erin." Before I could talk to her, his grandparents sent her away. Karissa smiled "Exes right?"

Doris gently smacked her shoulder "Don't start that stuff Karissa." Kristian quietly ate his food; I looked back at the girl who stared at our table from the counter. She looked away once she noticed I was looking right at her. Their grandpa got up "See you kids later."

I noticed their grandma had sat beside me "I'm Doris." She was very friendly and pulled me in for a hug. Everyone had been super friendly in this city. As we left I went to the register, Kristian came up beside me gently pulling my arm "Come on."

I looked at him surprised "We need to pay still." He turned back with a grin on his face "This is my grandparent's restaurant, we eat free." His ex-girlfriend came up to the register "Wow, Perison. Don't even cover the girl's meal?"

Usually, I ignored girls like her but something in me wanted to say something. I saw her grandpa and ended up not wanting a scene, he came up sending the girl away "See you kiddos later." Kristian pulled me "We're late for my game." We ran back to the car and sped off to his game.

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