Dusk till Dawn

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I opened my eyes to his chest; I quickly jumped up making sure I was dressed. He woke up and stretched "Everything okay?" Once I realized what happened last night my mind settled down "Ya. Just got startled." He sat up and yawned "Those seagulls are ruthless. They haven't managed to not fly into the window." He started chuckling, he looked back at me "Or was it something else?"

I smiled "No. A seagull hit the window. Scared me awake." He threw back the blanket and stood up "We should head out. My parents will be worried." I nodded "I'm going to clean up real quick." He gave me a smile "I think Karissa has some clothes around here som.." I cut him off "My bags are in your car." He reached in his pocket "Right. I forgot." He handed me the keys and walked out of the room; I stared at the bed and took a deep breath. I'd never slept beside a guy before, heck I'd only ever laid with my mom or dad.

He poked his head in again "Everything okay?" I turned to him "Yeah. Just sent Eliza a text." He threw me a quick smile and disappeared to the other room. Thank God he couldn't read my mind.

I walked to the car and grabbed some clothes from my gym bag. I looked around the beach and pier; I was amazed there were crowds of people this early swimming and playing beach volleyball. I closed the trunk and walked back. I walked down the beach to the house when someone yelled "Heads up!!" I looked up but it was too late.

I was in the sand with a headache; I opened my eyes to a hand. I rubbed my head and grabbed the hand "I'm very sorry." I exhaled and looked at the voice "It's fine." I looked at his face and my eyes widened. He smiled "Aren't you Violet? We go to school together."

I looked away "Um. Yes. We do." He looked around "Do you want to come to play? Have you played volleyball?" I shook my head "I'm okay. Thank you." Kristian came from the stairs "Is everything okay." He looked at the guy I knew as Ryder. I felt the tension fairly fast when Kristian glared at him.

I gently put my hand on Kristian's shoulder "I'm okay. It was an accident." Kristian glanced at me but back to Ryder "Better be." I calmly pushed him back to the house "I promise you, there was no bad intention." I glanced back to Ryder who returned to his game.

Once we got inside he examined my head "You're going to have a bruise but I think you're okay. Do you feel nauseated or lightheaded? Is the light-sensitive or do you see blurriness, we can go to..." I cut him off "No. I'm fine. What was that about?"

His face changed and he went to the room "Kristian!" He turned back to me "Old friend. Come on, we need to leave." I went into the bathroom and quickly changed, I wasn't dropping it yet. I came out and asked again "What happened with you guys?" He looked up from his phone "Do you need anything before we head out to the campgrounds? It's an hour drive from any stores."

I sighed and took a second to answer "No." He grabbed the keys I placed on the counter when I came in and left; I stood leaning against the counter but shortly followed "This will be a fun drive." I jogged to catch up and looked where Ryder was playing but they were packing up. I noticed Ryder was looking in our direction, he gave me a quick smile before returning back to his friends.

We got into the car and drove to the campgrounds. It was a quiet drive; I rested my head on the window and closed my eyes. I felt Kristian's eyes on me but refused to open my eyes; I was open with him and the one thing I asked got ignored. I shifted my weight toward the window so I wasn't facing him. I crossed my arms and exhaled, he let out a loud deep breath "He dated Karissa. He hurt her. She wasn't the only girl he's hurt. That guy has no shame in hurting women so please avoid him."

I turned in his direction "So you think he hit me on purpose?" He frowned and nodded "Violet. Please. Stay away from him." I scoffed "I don't even know the guy. I barely had any intention of getting to know you guys." I rolled my eyes and laid my head back down, he was quiet for a second. I was mean saying it but the truth hurts. He only replied "Wow. Okay. I will leave you alone."

I closed my eyes again and enjoyed the sun rays on my face; I opened my eyes when shadows began cutting into the sun on my face. We were in a forest and I looked around wondering when I fell asleep. I sat up "How are we almost there?" I looked at the stereo and it was already 4 pm. I glanced at Kristian whose focus was on the road "You were asleep the whole time. Snoring and everything." I froze with embarrassment, he glanced at me with a smirk "I'm joking. But you must have been tired." I exhaled "Yeah. I haven't been sleeping well but you know that."

I looked at the pine trees as we passed them; I loved the forest. It was breathtaking and wonderful; the animals off on the side were peaceful and innocent. With all of the winding roads and trees; I rolled my window down to smell the pine and feel the breeze on my face. I felt at peace being here.

Kristian pulled over once we were up the mountain; he got out and I shortly followed "Is everything okay." He sat on the hood of his car "Come here." I sat beside him and looked out over the many mountains and roads "Wow." He looked out "Should see it when the sun sets." I pulled my phone out and took a picture of it "I love it." He stood up and turned with a small smile on his face "Well maybe in the future we could move here. If we're still together I mean."

I knew the comment was genuine but it made me feel uneasy; my life was never the way I wanted and eventually it would come in between us. I pushed the feeling aside "I hope so. You're everything I've asked for in a boyfriend and maybe husband." I cringed inside at my comment but somewhere inside it felt right. He was good to me and has become someone important. I wanted him in my life for a long time.

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