Chapter 7

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Sage was walking back to cloud towers she had went to gather some herds for her friends because she owned them for covering for her when she was gone yesterday, even due they told her it was okay she still wanted t make it up to them.  Sage soon reach the school and stood there seeing some students talking about something they were all near the entrance of the school, sage knew what they had been talking about since it was made public that cloud tower will be helping fight off the evil, that came as usual most of the public didn't like the idea and hated it right away. When parents had heard about the whole thing they didn't take it well and start fight with their kids.

Sage " what happen to the sun ... oh that explains it" sage soon looked up when she noticed the sun had gone away, she soon looked up and saw this giant red fountain ship, she soon saw the door open and saw her older brother and cousins nick.

Nick " hey we need your help on andaros want to come"

Sage " sure" some of the students had ran into the school not taking up the offer, but sage couldn't blame them they did show up out of nowhere. The ship was still in the air and few fete off the ground so Scott help sage into he ship.

Sage " so what the matter"

Nick " I will explain everything when we reach home, my mother called for backup and we are going"

Sage " sure" they had soon reached andoros and sage could feel something was off and that she was not alone, but she couldn't tell fully that the moment.

Ashia " welcome to anadors specialist and sage"

Sage  " hello aunt ashia"

Nick " sorry mother we could only get sage to come to seems like we scared the others away"

Sage " well not everyone" soon everyone had become quite and looked at sage soon she had taken a fee steps to her fight and portal showed up, and soon enough a female witch had step out.

Sage " jade I had feelings you were going to come"

Jade " well when underclass say your friend had bene taken by specialist to ardoros, and have fear in their eyes you can't leave them alone don't worry alasotr and guys will come soon"

Sage " aunt Ashia and everyone I will like you all to meet my friend jade she will be helping u in the battle against evil"

Jade " hello your majesty's"

Ashia " well thank you for coming jade"

Nabu " well the omega dimension has open and now there are prisoners and monsters escaping but the mermaids and guards are keep them at bay"

Sam " that good the specialist team can get these monsters and prisoners back in the omega dimension"

Jade " but you have to make sure you dont fall in as well there are rare chance of getting back out, and once the last one in the portal has to be closed for good"

Ryder " how do you know that witch"

Sage " her name is jade and we know that because we had a lesson on the omega dimension, we have a small time frame to close the portal before it becomes hard to close"

Jade " yes we do and I think we might know of way to close it'

Sage " yes you are right"

Ashia " then we shook get going oh yes your mother and the others are waiting there for us"

Sage :" oh goodie" soon everyone had taken off to the inland where the omega dimension was waiting and soon enough they had ran into the other group waiting.

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