Chapter 8

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It had been a day after the whole omega dimension portal closing and even due the portal was closed everyone still knew there was evil out there, and everyone was making sure tom keep their guards up. Now sage was in her dorm room with her friends and everyone was talking about the mission that happened yesterday, everyone was happy that they could help out the world but it did leave some underling issues.

Cassandra " so how was everything after we left" 

Sage " it was good but my cousins Diana and Thomas asked why you too left, so quickly"

Jade " yeah and your dads might or might not made it more awkward, because they had asked us a few questions about you and we answered them"

Sage " with short answers but no long answers"

Alastor " if my dad wants ti know so much about me wha about coming by my grandmother house and actually say something to me verse avoiding me"

Cassandra " cassius and I dad hasn't talked to us since he left our mother to save his reputation ad take our other good siblings with him"

Cassuis " why did they call our names like that it was so embarrassing and weird"

Sage " yes and mom mother and father were shocked that I was that powerful" soon there was a knock at sage dorm room getting everyone attention soon she had open the door to see a squire string there.

Squire " princess sage you have been invited to the royal meeting that will be addressed the fight against evil, as you are representing your school"

Sage " thank you" the squire soon left leaving sage with her friends as she closed her bedroom door, now she was looking at her friends.

Jade " we can come with you"

Sage : no this is something I need to do alone I have to address some unsaid issues and, do you all feel like seeing your families after yesterday"

Everyone "umm no"

Sage " if I need help or quick getting away I will call for help"

Alasotr " then we wish you good luck your majesty"

Sage " guy no"

Next day

Sage " yeah im back on domino" sage had arrived on domino and she had right away ran into her cousins and uncle who were talking in the fall way.

Throne " welcome to domino sage so are you ready for this royal meeting"

Sage " yes im right"

Thomas " you and your friends really saved us yesterday thank you"

Sage " when we heard the call for help me came"

Diana " i was surprised about your magical abilities and I was not the only one"

Thomas " so are you dating one of those wizards guys that came to help"

Thrones " kids you can ask your cousins question later the meeting starting now" soon the door had open to hall where everyone was waiting soon enough her cousins and uncles walked into the room after being introduced.

Squire " now we welcome princess sage" sage sooo walked into the room and got many looks from everyone some of them were nice and other were cold glares.

Erendor " so princess sage you are the savior with you friends of anadors when the omega dimension had opened'

Sage " dear king erendor I had acted when there was a time in need"

Samaria " it shocking that you have a higher level of magic then your mother the keeper of dragon fire flame, and your sisters and you are just a witch it shocking "

Sage " well queen Samaria not everyone knew of my full magical abilities"

Ashia " well I want to say thank you to you and your friends for coming to save my planet and my people"

Nabu " yes where are your friends"

Anna " did they not come cousins"

Sage " some important matters had come up and they thought being here will make things awkward, because of specific people" sage had sided eye her friends fathers and sibling who were in the room.

Nick " well I hope we can see them again"

Radius " we still haven't found trace of those villains"

Luna " yes it seems like the have gone into hiding"

Sage " then will show up soon when the time comes they cant keep on hiding forever"

Oriel " spoken so well for someone so young"

Marion " yes the true makings of a princess" the meeting soon ended and sage was sticking around a bit longer when she saw her parents, aunts, and uncles walking over to her.

Musa " you did well in there"

Sage " thank you aunt musa"

Stella " i never image you being that powerful you really saved our lives back there"

Sage " you all were in danger so I had to do the right thing"

Helia  " those wizards boys did save out lives"

Brandon " yes but they could show some more respect to their fathers"

Sage " im sorry uncle Brandon but respect has to be earn just because you are an parent, doesn't mean your child has to respect you ... because if you don't respect them they shouldn't respect you"

Riven " what do you know on that matter young lady, they were rude to their fathers and siblings even the girl named Cassandra you really should rethink your friends before they make you like them .. but maybe you are like them because you didn't care of tell your parents you were helping fight evil"

Musa " riven"

Sky " you should of told us and we would of had the final say so"

Diana " no you wont uncle sky because sage is seventeen she can make her own choice"

Sage " thank you Diana"

Timmy " they are right"

Riven " I don't care sage should really stop this whole attitude she has towards her parents and siblings just because she jealous, she need to get her act together and so do her friends and so acting they are all innocent victims... what do you expect your parents to do have open arms for witches and wizards kids"

???? " she right  commander riven I haven't been the best father to my son or husband to my wife .. princess sage im general Roland I heard you are friends with my sons alastor'

Sage " yes im and I have herd about you and your sons from him and also you as well general William"

William  " hello we were wondering if you can talk to our kids for us and have them see things threw out way"

Thomas "that unfair"

Sage " Thomas I can handle this I sorry sirs but I can't you have to fix your relationship with you kids on your own, it not my job or responsibility it all on you as the parent .. same goes for you siblings in the background it not my job to fixed parent and child relationship or sibling relationship it all on you"

Ryder " that seems like a lame threat"

Sage " it not a threat or get use to not having you child or sibling in your life ever again"

Timmy " you arr not serious right"

Sage " ask around and see if I'm telling the truth now if you excuse I'm leaving good day everyone" soon a portal open and alastor step out and looked in the room soon sage walked in and alastor followed but not before giving his father and brother a cold glare. The whole room had fallen silent riven and Brandon were getting glares from their wives and their friends, while Ryder got glares from  his sister and friends. Now it was time to see if sage was tell the truth about the rumors none of them anted to believe the awful rumors, what they didn't know was that it was the truth.

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