Knowing the characters

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Hello everyone I have decided to tell you all a little about the chambers from the book so you can get a better understanding of who they are,and their relationship with other outside of cloud tower that are in a positive or negative light. I will be be talking about sage herself and her friends as well, and the next character intro will have the information of her siblings and cousins.

Age : 17
Magical species : witch and ????
Magical talent : fire flame, dark and light magic, and rainbow magic, etc
Past : she dose not have the best rest of her family expect her aunt Diana, uncle Theron, and her two cousins who seemed supportive of her being a witch. They would come see at school when they could and knew most friends by their voices and friends. She dose not have the best relationship with her siblings most Brady because he would bully her and get away with it as well, she didn't like her cousins that much. She use to have a great relationship with Anna and Fiona but that didn't last long.

Age : 17
Magical species : witch
Magical talent : dark and light magic,music powers as well, etc
Past : she dose not have the best relationship with her mother sisters and hated being at home, on the planet of melody. Most of her life she has been compared to her sister by her mother, which made their relationship broken over the years. Her family didn't come see her when she was at school and she soon wanted nothing to do with her family once she turned sixteen. Her sister attend alfea and she has seen them a few times but act like she dose not know them, that what they have done to her.

Age : 17
Magical species: wizard
Magical talent : dark and light magic,cosmetic powers, shapeshifter, etc
Past : Alastor was never his father favorite son and was mostly forgotten by his father when his parents divorced, none of his brothers wanted a relationship with their witch mother and distance themselves from her. His mother had raised him until he was nine when she got sick and dead, later on his grandmother and family had raised him. He grew to dislike his father and his brother, when he stopped trying to have a relationship with them. They didn't believe him when he said that their mother was dead. His brothers attend red fountain and he mostly stay away from them and his home planet andors.

Cassandra and Cassius - twins
Age : 17
Magical species : witch ( Cassandra) and wizards ( Cassius)
Magical talent : dark and light magic ( both of them), weather powers ( Cassius), and mom and sun power ( Cassandra), etc
Past : the twins parents had divorced when their father wanted to save his reputation, he gave the rights of the twins over to their mother and took the rest of their brothers and sisters. They hated how their siblings treated their mother and soon enough their mother gave up, on having a relationship with her older kids, they twins dislike their dad of walking away from them and their mother, and acting like they were not related to him or his oldest kids. They stay away from their home planet solaria.

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