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Hello 🧍 I have no excuses.... Enjoy!

"Well now, that was certainly an experience," Arthur commented as Antonio sulkily put away the Monopoly game that was thrown across the room.

Lovino, the culprit, was huffing with his arms crossed- uttering what could only be colorful Italian words.

Alfred was laughing way too hard, "I told you I always won at monopoly! No idea how or why! Guess I'm just a genius~" he taunted with that cheeky grin of his.

"Ahh??? I don't think so! You must've cheated! No other way you bitch!" Lovino practically screamed- of course he minded his neighbors a little bit and reeled it in.

Gilbert snorted and leaned back into the couch where he winced and reached behind his back to pull out a tiny plastic house, "oh- catch Toni!"

The Spaniard looked up and caught the little board game piece swiftly, finally having all the pieces together in the box.

Matthew laughed as he walked out from the kitchen, "I'm surprised you didn't try playing a fourth round," he commented as he brought over a cup of hot tea for Arthur- his own in his other hand.

"Thank you," Arthur tipped his head in appreciation as he took a sip of his favored delicacy.

"Not a problem!"

"Hm Hm. Nah, it's been what? Thirteen hours? I can't go for another round," Lovino groaned as he flopped back onto the floor.

"Hehe, that's what she said," Gilbert giggled before crying out after having the entire monopoly box being flung at his head from an irritated Lovino.

Francis clicked his tongue and flicked his bangs from his face, "ah, how juvenile," he bespoke- ignoring the eye rolls from Arthur.

"Whelp, if I have to pick up this board again I'm going to sob, so let's just call it a day," Antonio mused as he just kicked all the pieces under the couch to worry about later.

Alfred reached his arm across the love seat and around Arthur's shoulders, gently tugging him a bit into his side, (the Brit wouldn't comment on how much he liked that) "so we've got a couple days left of vacation, any ideas on what we should do?"

"We could go to the beach!" Beach episode fellas

The American grinned, "I like your thinkin Mattie bro!"

Arthur snorted into his cup and relaxed against him. This vacation was going so nice.


"This vacation is RUBBISH," Arthur hissed as he yet again winced from the sunburn that covered him head to toe.

Francis shook his head in disbelief, "I honestly don't understand how this happens every time," he sighed woefully.

Arthur shot him a withering look as Matthew gently rubbed Aloe Vera into the skin on his back, "you were slathered in so much sunscreen I thought you were Casper the ghost, it's impressive how much the sun hates you," he joked softly.

"Owww.... Yeah I know," he complained.

Footsteps sounded as Alfred jogged up to them with a bottle of water in his hand, "I don't know Artie, I think you're cute when you're red," he winked.

Arthur quickly stole the water from Alfred who put his hands up in mock surrender, "I'm going to be red  for days, this sucks, absolutely the worst!"

Alfred thankfully seemed a little guilty and knelt down across from his boyfriend who obviously wasn't having a very good time, "do you want me to take you back to the hotel? I could run you a cold bath and we could watch tv instead?" He suggested.

The Brit seemed to fully know this and instead his face melted and he gently touched the side of Alfred's face, "thank you, love, but I'll be fine sitting in the shade. I don't want one of our last days in Spain being spent inside watching Netflix," he assured him, "go have fun."

"Hmmm," Alfred didn't seem too sure, but he gave Arthur a quick peck on the lips, "if you need anything just holler over an I'll come runnin."

"I know you will, now gooooo," Arthur playfully shoved him away- watching as his boyfriend ran into the ocean with Gilbert, Lovino, and Antonio after shooting one last goofy grin.

Matthew smiled at the interaction between them, "you know- Alfred was always such a gold-hearted-puppy of a person, but he's really his softest around you," he pointed out.

Arthur didn't say anything- but the tips of his ears glowed brighter.

"No matter, anyways, do you want to go get some ice cream with me?" Matthew asked him, "I can go get a sun umbrella for you?"

"You mean a parasol?" Arthur sighed heavily, "...... ice cream sounds good....."

And so the British man was walking alongside the Canadian- Arthur with the 'umbrella' on their way down the boardwalk to get ice cream from one of the many parlors.

They walked in silence, mostly just enjoying the quiet of the walk and the nice scenery even if there were other tourists.

Though after bit that silence was broken by Matthew, "so how is school going for you? Are you, uhm, making friends?" He asked.

Arthur looked a bit confused before letting out a small laugh, "goodness you sound like my mother," he teased, "it's fine. Like I said people are really annoying about Alfred and you know that causes some weird jealousies... same thing with high school..."

"So you're not out there? I thought you were?"

"No I am, unlike high school I can actually be with Alfred without familial worries," he twirled the parasol in a bit of discomfort, "somehow in high school people seemed to know about us... maybe because Alfred gave me special treatment? Because he was the only one on the football team who didn't make fun of me? I don't know..."

Matthew gave his shoulder a comforting pat- before realizing- "oh- right sunburn, I'm so sorry-" at Arthur's whine.

"Well- I wouldn't worry about it too much, I know whenever I heard those rumors someone always brought up the fact that we were all close in our childhoods so he probably felt some duty to protect you- I'm pretty sure Francis was the one who started defending you with those types of words."

"Yeah Frog is a fuck head but at least he can be useful," Arthur had a small wistful smile on his face, "I'm glad your Alfred's brother, at least someone has brains."

Matthew laughed at that and soon they were both giggling, "too true- oh look here's a table with shade!"

Arthur followed after, closing up the parasol, and sat down on the stone seating. It looked like the table and benches were made up of a bunch of little stones and cement with the giant umbrella being held in place by a hole carved in the center.

"You know, things in America are so atrocious looking, they should take a few notes from other countries," Arthur commented absentmindedly.

Matthew chuckled before he flicked through the online menu on his phone, "hmm... they have a few things on here that look good- ooh a coffee flavored one, I think I'll try that."

Arthur couldn't help but cringe- he was British after all, but he looked over at the screen and pointed to a raspberry lemonade drink that had a scoop of vanilla froyo in it.

"Got it, I'll order and be right back," Matthew gave him a thumbs up as he left.

"Pff, just like his brother," he mused softly to himself as he watched the blonde enter the building.

Arthur sighed softly and stared out into the ocean with a little bit of bitter jealousy- but mostly annoyed with god for being a twat and cursing him with skin more fragile than the princess from princess and the pea.

He thought back on his and Matthew's conversation. How was he doing? Was he making friends? He bit the inside of his cheek. He'd sort that out later... for now he'd enjoy his time with his boyfriend and boyfriend's brother which was also his sort of friend.

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