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"Maple tap!"


Lovino and Matthew greeted as they slammed into each other for a very no homo bromosexual hug.

Antonio watched with fond eyes as he dropped a few of the suitcases gently onto the ground, "so you'll be with me in my room until we get a place- so I hope you don't mind that it's going to be crowded."

Lovino rolled his eyes, "I'm not one of those rich kids who think a two bedroom apartment is poverty," he reminded with a small smirk on his face.

"Okay okay, you're right," Antonio laughed and walked over to Gilbert- having him help drag the bags to the room as Lovino and Matthew caught up.

"So did you hear anything from Emil or Leon lately?" Lovino asked as he plopped down on the couch- exhausted from the flying and the waiting in heat.

Matthew shook his head lightly, "no... I know Leon has been busy with family stuff and Emil messaged me a couple weeks ago about issues at home so he wouldn't be on a while..."

Lovino hummed, "Yeah... it's kinda worrying... I feel bad that I hardly had any fucking time to really catch up with anyone but I was too busy trying to prepare to move..."

The Canadian smiled, "it's okay! I'm happy you're here! Funny how four of the six of the friend group lives in Spain now," he mused.

"Think we can convince Leon and Emil to move here?" Lovi teased.

"Oh no way, Emil would die in a warmer climate!" Matthew stated with a howl of a laugh.

Lovino joined him in laughter and it caused two curious bros to poke their heads in, "what's so funny?" Gilbert asked.

"We're picturing Emil living in Spain," Lovino snickered as he nudged Matthew playfully.

"The poor thing would sweat into a puddle!" Antonio added with his own cheeky grin.

"Ahhh, I miss that dork," Lovino mused. He hummed in thought, "they're twenty now right?"


"On a day when they're both twenty one we should invite them over," Lovino suggested, "we could be the gang again."

"Did you forget you're going to be married? Just have the wedding after then!" Gilbert spouted.

Antonio hummed loudly, "he's right, plus we never really even decided on a date anyhow."

Lovino blushed a bit. He glanced down at his ring and instantly his chest was filled with warmth. He would be getting married... this wasn't a dream.

"Mm, you both make a point... I'll ask Emil what he thinks because he turns twenty one in February-"

"February fourteenth! He's such a cutie- born on Valentine's Day!" Matthew piped up.

"-yes, and Leon's birthday is in May," Lovino blinked, "aw haha Emil is older by a few months!"

Antonio leaned against the back of the couch behind Lovino's head, "we could have the wedding in June? It's October now so we could hunt down a place for the cafe and home by December, and then the rest of the time until June we can plan for the wedding?"

Lovino moved his head back to rest against Antonio's chest, "I agree, besides I want to have our own place by Christmas," he added.

Gilbert grinned, "opening night could be on New Years! You could throw like a special, it'd be a great way to start the year too!"

Matthew gasped, "that's such a good idea!" He clapped his hands together, "oh! And if you need any hands on help Gilbert and I will! He's in college still but I get a little money by teaching French classes at the community center."

"That's what you do now? Both of you are teachers!"

"Shhhhhh! You and Antonio are running a cafe together you're a total cliche!"

Lovino laughed loudly at that and nodded in agreement. He was so happy... he felt like he was home.

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