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Matthew sighed heavily as he bit down on the tip of his pen. He couldn't stop thinking about Emil and Leon.

Why hadn't Emil told anyone?

Why didn't Leon tell anyone?

They were all supposed to be best friends damn it!

"Birdie? What's wrong?" Gilbert asked as he walked into the room, he had a small warm smile on his face as he held up a plate of pancakes and wurst.

A combination of the two.

The Canadian's heart warmed and he sighed softly, smiling at him, "well it's just..." he bit his lip, "Emil and Leon... they broke up three months ago, and that's why we haven't heard anything from them."

"Wait wait- what?! They were doing so good! What happened?" Gilbert set the plate down and sat beside  Matthew, gently holding his hands.

Matthew shakily took a breath and he squeezed the other's hands, "Emil... his depression has gotten way worse... and I guess Leon couldn't handle it anymore so he left..."

Gilbert frowned and he rubbed his thumbs over Matthew's knuckles, "well I... I don't exactly blame Leon but- I feel like he should've talked to someone about it before abandoning Emil."

"I agree but he isn't Emil's parent so I can see where he's coming from," Matthew looked up at the ceiling, "when Lovino and Antonio come back home I'll ask them about it too..."

"Kay, have you tried texting Leon?"

"Not yet, I wanted to tell someone first..."

Gilbert kissed his cheek, "don't worry, if anyone can help it's definitely my cute birdie~" he mused.

Matthew laughed and he snuggled into Gilbert's  chest, "alright... I'll talk to him."

Gilbert nodded and kissed his head again, "okie, well I'm gonna go make ME some breakfast so enjoy," he mused and left the room.

Pancakes: Hey Leon?

ChingChong: oh, what's up Matthew?

Pancakes: so what exactly happened between you and Emil? And don't give me some 'things weren't working out' bs.

ChingChong: Matthew is don't think I should say, it's really heavy and I don't want to make things worse.

Pancakes: well too bad, you're our best friends and this is important!

ChingChong: fine...

Four months ago Emil had a depressive episode. Nothing I did could calm him down and he tried to commit suicide by pills.

He eventually threw them up out of instinct but I was so scared.

After a month of feeling guilty that I couldn't help him... I just- I had to leave. If I couldn't help him and he ended up dying it would be my fault! All my fault because I couldn't help him!

Matthew felt sick to his stomach and anxiety set in- Emil tried to die? He didn't tell anyone?

Pancakes: oh my god- thank you for telling me. I hope things are better for you now.

Matthew stood up and ran to the kitchen, "Gil! Leon told me why he broke up with Emil- he... Emil tried-" he teared up, "Emil tried to kill himself!"

Gilbert looked shocked and he hugged him tightly, "oh my god... I'm so sorry..." he grit his teeth, "I hope  this all sorts out..." he whispered.

Matthew sniffled and nodded, "I just wish... he would've trusted us enough... to tell us," he choked out sadly.

"Things will sort itself out... we'll figure things out."

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