Trouble at Hexside

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~Chapter Twenty-One - Trouble at Hexside~

After parting ways with Luz, Hooty and King, I managed to make my way to Hexside. When I arrived, I noticed a Emperor's Coven airship outside the school. Oh no. Hunter. I rushed inside and was met with, the Owl House? How did I get here? I reached over to touch the wall, a ripple of blue emerged from the wall. It was an Illusion. 

No way this was Head Witch Graye's work. I don't think he's ever been inside the Owl House. It must've been done by a student, one of Luz's friends. I tried to navigate my way through the school and ended up pushing myself into a different location. The Bonesborough Public Library. I saw three Coven Scouts tied up with vines. Was Willow okay? Now I started to worry for my Hexside friends safety. 

I kept pushing through and found myself in the streets of Bonesborough. There were two more scouts wondering around, I hid behind a trash can as they passed by. I pushed through into another illusion and saw I was in the Grudgeby Field. I felt I would never find my friends. 

I heard light footsteps and felt the presence of someone behind me. I turned to see two Coven Scouts reaching out of the illusion to grab me. I shot ice at them and managed to get their arms and legs trapped in ice. "Hey, not cool, man. Wait! Aren't you the Golden Guard's partner? Dude what the heck? We're on the same side." The scout said. I waked my hand, making a dagger appear and held it up to the scouts. 

"Where is he? Has Graye taken him?" I asked. The scouts shrieked. "Last we knew, Graye knocked him out and took him to the ship." One of them said. I formed a ball of fire. "Anything else I should know?" I asked. They cringed up again. 

"The scrawny illusionist kid, Graye had him captured in the gym." He confessed. The only scrawny illusionist I knew was Augustus. The chances of it being him was slim, but not impossible. I made my way through the final illusion and found I was finally outside of it all. 

I looked and saw Hunter being dragged along by two scouts, one of them held FlapJack in a tight grip. I shot vines at them, catching them off guard. I bolted at them and swiftly look the one holding Hunter down. The second went to attack me, but was held back by ropes of vine. I kicked the scout in the jaw, ultimately knocking them both out. 

I looked to see Willow had held back the second scout. I smiled when I saw Viney and Skara with her. I knelt down to help Hunter. His skin was cold and he looked sickly compared to the last time I saw him. Viney came up to me and helped me carry him to a safer area. 

"What is this place?" I asked. "The healing homeroom. We've been hiding here while Head Witch Grey and his scouts have practically taken over the whole school." Skara said before Viney and I placed Hunter down. Viney began to use healing magic to help wake up. 

Someone came up to me, I assumed he was the principal based on what he was wearing. "Who are you? How do I know to trust you?" He asked. "My name is Podarge. The Golden Guard and I are partners. We worked for Belos, but recently we've run away from the coven. We've been hiding in your school's auditorium. We thought this would be the last place Belos would send scouts, but I guess we were wrong." I said. 

"He's waking up!" Skara said. I turned to see Viney and Skara help Hunter sit up. He held his head for a moment before he began panicking. "This- This is an illusion! Gus! Gus, are you-" He tried to stand up but tripped over his own feet. 

"Woah, it's okay! Try not to stand so fast." Viney said helping him up. "This isn't an illusion. You're in the healing homeroom." Skara said. Hunter looked around. He noticed I was there. "Po!" He jumped up to embrace me. "I thought you'd never come back." He mumbled into my shoulder. 

"Hunter. I'm back. It's okay." I said wrapping my arms around him. He pulled away once he could stand on his own. "Well, Mr. Golden Guard." The principal started approaching us. Hunter gave a sympathetic look. "It's Hunter." He said. I could tell the Golden Guard was now a sensitive title. 

"We saw you being dragged around and the Flyer Derby team was determined to save you. We came across your friend here, but I am not yet convinced of your innocence. Where have your scouts taken Augustus?" He asked. I could tell Hunter was intimidated. So it was Augustus. 

"I'm not with them. I swear! I was with Gus the whole time. I was trying to get him to you." Hunter said, looking around at the other students who clearly were skeptical. "Maybe we can trade him for Augustus. I'm sure the Emperor would want him back." The Illusion Professor stated. 

"No." I said standing between Hunter and the principal. "And why are we to believe you, Podarge?" The principal asked. Things were getting intense. "We're not lying. I'm not lying. Gus was showing me around. There was a sandwich. He showed me this breathing thing. Please you've gotta believe me." Hunter pleaded. Willow stood beside us. 

"They're telling the truth. And they can help us drive Head Witch Graye and his scouts out of the school." She said. "Yes!" Hunter said. "Um, Graye said he'll be in the gym. But he will be guarded." 

"That won't be a problem. Willow and bust through anything." Amity Blight said standing up. "Yeah, but I'll need help." She said. Some kid walked up to her. "Say no more. I'm on it." 

"Let's just come up with a plan." The principal said, sighing. 

"Yes! This is my favorite part!" 


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