Blight Industries

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~Chapter Twenty-Four - Blight Industries~

We stayed hidden behind the tree line once we arrived at Amity's house. Luz was the first to try to get to the door, but Augustus held her back. He held up his magic amplifier and showed a coven scout casting an illusion over something. Willow took a stand, cracking her knuckles. 

Luz nodded her way before throwing a glyph in the direction of the scout. Vines emerged from the piece of paper and took down the scout. The six of us ran past the scout towards the front door, but we immediately faced another challenge. Abomination goo spat out in front of us, Willow, Augustus, Hunter and I were able to dodge it, but Luz wasn't so lucky. 

We turned to see an Abomination grab hold of Luz and stomp towards her. Just before the Abomination could set off an alarm, Hunter struck it's head, breaking off the alarm. Willow held the Abomination down with vines, while I blasted a fireball through its abdomen. Willow helped Luz off the ground and we continued on our mission. 

We made it to the ground outside of Amity's balcony. Her silhouette was visible through the window. Luz made vines to boost herself up onto the balcony, from the ground I couldn't really see what else happened. After a few minutes, Luz and Amity appeared. Augustus waved to them, Willow smiles, King stood on my head and Hunter just stood there with a calm expression. 

Luz and Amity rejoined us on the ground and we made our way to Blight Industries, where Amity wanted to tell her parents about the Draining Spell and get them to fight against Belos. When we arrived, we hid in the bushes by the loading docks. Mrs. Blight escorted a few coven scouts along with Kikimora into the factory. We appeared out of the bushes and Augustus gave us scout disguises. 

Luz told King to stay back so he would be safe, he seemed bummed out, but Luz ran to join us before she could hear him out. Poor King. 

We entered the factory to see Abominations lined up in rows, Kikimora was behind Mrs. Blight. It looked like she had an offer to make. "For the last time, I'm not interested in your dumb gadgets." Kikimora said, stopping in her tracks. 

"You might want to reconsider." Mrs. Blight said, tearing off the cloth that concealed a giant Abomination gadget. "Introducing the Abomatron! It's 700 snorsepower has two fairy-powered jetpacks, and comes in several shades of lilac." Kikimora gasped in awe. 

She truly had a thirst for power. An Abomination placed a step stool in front of the Abomatron. "I outfitted this one specially for you." Mrs. Blight said, placing Kikimora in the Abomatron seat. Kikimora cackled at the power she felt. "I'm taller than everyone!" She tested out the gadget, punching and kicking to test mobility. 

Amity whispered something to Luz before walking over to a door labeled "Workroom." We husseled over to the room and peaked inside. There was no sign of Amity's dad. 

"Ahem." We heard Mrs. Blight from behind us. "These rooms are off-limits." 

Hunter started improvising. "Mrs. Blight. Kikimora told us of your products. Such inventions would be invaluable assets to the Emperor's Coven." He said. "Yeah and we are all about invaluable assets." Luz commented. "Can't get enough of 'em." Augustus spoke. 

Okay now we were definitely going to get caught. 

"I'm an asset gal myself." Willow said. Yep definitely going to get caught. "I apologize for the trouble. We'll return to our duties." Hunter said, pushing Augustus to the side, the rest of us followed. 

I sighed in relief when Mrs. Blight didn't think too much of our suspicious actions. Then Kikimora jumped in front of us in her Abomatron suit. "I thought I recognized that annoying voice." Kikimora said. We panicked and rushed to the exit. A guard stood in front of the door with a beaten down Abomination. We walked backwards. Augustus tripped over a pipe, causing our illusions to cease. 

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