1; Bundle of Palava.

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"Allah nuna mana ranan"

A chorus of ameen went around, the sound resonating in the medium sized living room. Genuine smiles adorn the faces of those truly happy about the reunion, and forced ones adorning that of those that would much rather swallow stone than to see it happen. But, it's not like they can do a thing about it other than say bad things behind the family's back.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Seated opposite the Khalid family are the groom's family whom had just brought over more bridal gifts. This is the third time they are coming to the house to bring over something for the wedding. The first time they came over, they brought the kayan nagana inaso. The second time, they brought the kayan lefe. And now, they brought the third and last thing before the wedding takes place in just two weeks-the kayan sakun lalle.

Unlike the Khalid family, they belong in the high class of the society with the former belonging to the middle class. Nonetheless, they respected each other well since they came asking for the girl's hand in marriage for their son. So far, everything has been going accordingly with both families happy regarding the union.

The bride's family had no problem right from the beginning; except for their occasional worry on whether or not the groom's family will look down on their daughter since they aren't as well off. However, the groom's family has proved to be nothing of such. If anything, they seem more down to earth and from the research conducted by the bride's family, they have turned out to be a pretty good family.

A good choice for their daughter to join, and they have no more qualms.

"Well, if it's not much to ask. Can we please see the bride?" Inquired one of the women from the groom's family; a warm smile adorning her features. From the introductions given earlier, she turned out to be the groom's step mother. "I know it's not part of the tradition, but she had come such a long just to see the bride. She won't be around for the wedding unfortunately" She added, gesturing to old woman seated beside her.

The woman grinned, her face wrinkling even more. Nodding slowly, she spoke. "I have an appointment that week you see. I just want to see my new granddaughter if you don't mind" Since she won't be around, she thought of coming over to see the girl and shower her blessings.

She can wait till after the wedding, but she just wants to see the girl before then-if the family don't have a problem with it that is. If they do, she won't push it and simply respect their decision.

The women from the Khalid family exchanged looks, and exchanged nods here and there; making up their mind.

One of the bride's aunts-the one that has been interacting the most offered the groom's family a grin. "Oh...of course you can. Let me just go and get her for you" With that said, she excused herself and got up in search for the bride.

The house, although with the wedding in two more weeks still had a few people already moving in. Others just come and go, offering help whenever needed and some, are simply there for gossip sakes.

To think someone in the Khalid family is about to get married a family in the high social class...oh they are bound to be there and gossip. What more, the girl that will get married. With how reserved she is and how she's always away from people, some doubt she will ever get married in her life.

But here she is, with one of the rich families in Kano coming to ask for her hand in marriage.

Maneuvering past the crowd, the woman made her way over to the bride's room, and knocked on the door. When she got no answer, she knocked on the door again, and once more. Tired of not getting a response, she simply pushed the door open and stepped into the bakhoor scented room with a salam. "Yasmeen" She called, walking further into the room.

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