6; Certified Stalker.

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"You met the man you insulted the other day?!"

Yasmeen winced slightly, before throwing Amina an annoyed glare. She didn't know why exactly she's feeling that way though. Perhaps it's because the girl screamed the words out, and everyone within the vicinity could hear her-thankfully, they are alone.

Or perhaps, it's because talking about it brings back the memories of the past two days and the embarrassment she felt. Never had she felt that much embarrassment in such a short time before.

You can call it perks of being the type to mind her own business and stay in her lane.

But all because of a mere mistake, she has faced enough embarrassment to last her a month or more.

Not to talk of the missing book she risked getting scolded for.

Actually, it has to be because of it all. Neither could be left out.

Groaning slightly, she turned around and buried her face in the pillow behind her, before letting out a soundless scream. She seems to be doing a lot of that lately all because of that guy...whatever his name is.

For reference sakes though, she will keep calling him 'bros'. It just fits him better.

"How did you two meet again? Ikon Allah! Is this fate?" Amina was quick to ramble, as she hastily sat on the bed a bit too close for Yasmeen's liking-not in the least bothered by the glare she got earlier.

Yasmeen couldn't help but hiss. Fate? Did Amina really called this fate? If it is 'fate' then she will twist it and call it 'Twist of Fate: The Nigerian version'. It's much better that way.

At the same time though, she won't accept this as fate. Never! This is bad luck. Bros is a bad omen-because wherever he is involved, something bad always happens.

Like losing a favorite and limited edition book.

"Keh!" Amina lightly smacked Yasmeen's arm to gain her attention. "Will you stop squirming like a worm that has been sprinkled with salt? Ko dai tunanin sa kikeyi?"

"What? No!" Yasmeen sprang up, faster than she ever though she could. She then went on to ramble. "Hauka kikeyi? How can you even say that? Of course I'm not thinking of him. Why would I, huh? That man is bad luck. He's too annoying, intimidating as hell, but at the same time, mentally unstable. I should take him to the mental asylum because he needs help."

"Oh, so you do want to meet him again?" Amina pressed, amusement lacing her tone as she flashed her best friend a teasing look.

Yasmeen glared at her again, her face flushed. "When did I say that? God forbid! Never wish such bad luck for me again. Never."

"Geez, no need to get all defensive" The girl was trying to hold back her amusement by feigning seriousness. "I mean, you mentioned taking him to an asylum so that means you two will meet again. Who knows, you two might end up having that kind of love story you read in books" She isn't an avid reader unlike the woman seated beside her, but even she knows some of those book tropes since Yasmeen won't shut up about it.

Yasmeen scoffed lightly, lips slanted into a deep frown. "Books deceive people. I'm never falling for that again" She grumbled, her mind instantly wandering back to a time in her past.

A snort came from Amina, who didn't bother to hide it as it morphed into a chortle. "You remembered your high school love, kenan?"

Now looking like she's two seconds away from crying out of either frustration or embarrassment-perhaps, both? Yasmeen buried her face between her palms. "Don't remind me."

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