18; Love, Maybe.

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To Yasmeen, the week seemed to have passed by in a blur. From her now husband's family bringing the bridal gifts within that same week, to spending her last few days at home—it truly passed by quicker than she anticipated.

And then, the day came.

The day she will be conveyed to her matrimonial home.

During the course of the week, with her fixing her relationship with her mother to trying to enjoy those days, she grew to understand that she will definitely miss home as much as she was hoping to leave it.

The struggle was when they tried to separate her from Mama. She wasn't exactly crying ugly tears, but she wouldn't let go of the poor woman. As if she wasn't the one that was bidding her friends farewell in style.

Before she was conveyed, and before meeting Mama and all, having dressed up with the few friends she has working as photographers, she sashayed her way out. Stopping by the door, she turned around, flashed them the widest grins before waving, "Buh bye, single ladies!"

That cracked them all up, knowing it's all jokes but she still pulled the act well. One would think she's over the heels in love with her husband and couldn't wait to move in with him when it's nothing like that.

Nonetheless, that act of hers disappeared as she bid her mother farewell. And with quite a lot of struggle, her aunts were finally able to detach her away from Mama knowing she wouldn't let go if it's up to her.

And then, they were off to 'deliver her so everyone can rest'. Nusaiba's words, no one else.

The ride to Gidado Residence was much quicker than Yasmeen would like. And truth be told, it was faster than when she went there alone. Perhaps, it's easier now since the drivers know the route well unlike her. Still, she wished it was longer because now that she realizes she is leaving her family indeed, she suddenly dreaded the new life that awaits her.

What is her life takes a turn for the worse? What is married life is nothing like she expects? What if his family hate her, especially after what she did to his mother? She hadn't given it much thoughts before, mostly because she didn't expect her situation to end up like this, but now that it ended that way...how is she supposed to face Ama?

Oh God, the woman is now her mother-in-law. What if she deems her too crazy to be with her son? What if she left a bad impression? Remembering the way she acted, Yasmeen could only hope Ama doesn't think she's shameless because in a way, she acted that way.

The car coming to a halt sliced through her thoughts, putting an abrupt end to it. She looked up, and through the laffaya that was used to cover her, she could see the outline of the manse, making her stomach tighten and her heart to drop.

Her hands felt clammy, and her feet, cold. Unconsciously, she swallowed thickly and clenched her hands. Her lips moved in a rapid rate as she supplicate, muttering any dua that came to mind regardless of it's true purpose. She couldn't help it, she wasn't thinking straight and that has always been a problem of hers.

When she's nervous, or in fear, she tends to do things without giving it any thought. It's just an act out of impulse.

The doors opened, and her aunts that are in the same car with stepped out first before they helped her do the same. Mumbling a bismillah, Yasmeen stepped out of the car and instantly, the sun glared at her. Thankfully, the laffaya is shielding her but everything was suddenly too bright unlike how dark it was in the car.

Withal, she hung her head low as Kulu took her hand. In the background, she could hear the sound of numerous doors either opening or closing. And then, chatters filled the place. Do the voices belong to her family or the Gidados? She isn't sure but when Kulu started to move, she did the same just as everyone else.

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