19; Captain Asad.

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The day for Yasmeen to join Asad came, and she was honestly starting to miss living with Ama. Is it okay to say she loves her mother-in-law already? Because Yasmeen couldn't ask for someone better. Ama is everything one would want in a mother-in-law, and more.

She obviously can't compare the love she has for Mama with the love she has for Ama. But, after spending just a few days with her, she's certain without an ounce of doubt that she will forever consider Ama a second mother to her.

"Call me when you reach there, okay?" Ama said, her hand clasping around Yasmeen's in a comforting manner. They are currently standing outside the Land Cruiser that will take Yasmeen to the airport. "Asad will pick you up, but I need to know you've reached there safely."

Yasmeen's lips were stretched into what seemed like a permanent smile these past few days. Spending her time with Ama and bonding took her mind off the bad things that had happened. It was truly a fresh start for her, one that she is so far loving.

She nodded, offering the older woman's hand a small squeeze. "In shaa Allah, Ama. I will." She still doesn't know how to feel about meeting and basically living with Asad, but she'll figure it out when she's there.

Seemingly satisfied with the answer, Ama then pulled her in for a warm hug that lasted a couple of seconds before she sent her off, despite hoping the girl would just stay with her instead. If it was up to her, she would drag Asad and make him reside in Nigeria yet again so she can be with her daughter more. But, it's beyond her control so she'll make do with what's going on.

Yasmeen left for the airport alone, with a driver and an escort. She honestly would've had no problem going alone, since she's been abroad a couple of times too but she accepted the gesture nonetheless.

Like her whole life has been these past few days, she found everything moving pretty fast and before she knows it, she was already on the plane-off to live with her husband abroad.

God, that truly feels weird. She thought. Husband. Wahala.



One stopover and nearly ten hours later, Yasmeen was finally in Birmingham. She anticipated the long trip, but to say she was exhausted will be an understatement. All she wanted to do was get through the whole process of leaving the airport, head home, pray and sleep to wear off the jetlag. Not to mention, get away from the people in the airport. There's too much of them, and that goes beyond her I can handle people gauge.

Stepping out with countless of people trooping along, she looked around in search of a familiar face. Like Ama said earlier, Asad would pick her up so she's hoping to spot him somewhere.

She had anticipated arriving in this foreign country since the whole conversation was brought up. Of course, she had gone to Saudi for Umrah with Mama about two times, and she was once in Dubai for a trip but that was all. She had never been abroad alone, nonetheless to anywhere in Europe.

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