5; Cold Shoulders.

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Asad dreaded retuning home for so many reasons. Yet, he knew he can only avoid it for so long.

So, after spending a few hours out, he begrudgingly went back home knowing there's already a possibility of his mother knowing the stunt he pulled earlier. All that's left now is for him to return and undergo her investigation. In the course of being away, he had thought of the right answers to give her and avoid this whole ordeal.

Hopefully, it will work in his favor.

Stepping out of the car, he handed the key over to a lad there, who was off to wash it. He then sighed, and headed towards the front door with shoulders slightly slumped. As always, the house was mostly quiet except for the guards that made the place a bit lively.

Growing up in a small family, crowds has never been his thing. Perhaps, it has something to do with loving the peace that came with silence and not having to deal with people is what he prefers. He could never understand how some people enjoy being in crowds.

There was something different about that day though. Call it a feeling or something, but he could tell the minute he stepped foot inside the house. Nonetheless, he pushed the uneasiness aside and trudged further only to stop when he reached the living room.

The first person his eyes fell on was Ama, whom he could tell from her facial expression that something is amiss. His thoughts were confirmed when he moved his gaze from her to the figure seated on the sofa opposite, and instantly, his mood to dampened even more.

He looked away for a brief moment, letting out a sigh. After all the trouble he went through earlier, all he wants is some peace and quiet-something he normally gets at home but by the looks of it, won't get any time soon.

Actually, if this ridiculous arrangement passes through he might never get that ever again.

Not wanting to spend another second there, he turned around with the intention of walking away only to be stopped by Ama.

She was quick to get on her feet and approach him. Placing a hand on his arm, she leaned down to whisper. "She's already here. At least say something, hmm?" She looked up, hoping he would look at her so she can convince him.

She isn't happy about this either, but as an adult, and as someone who knows what is right or wrong in spite the circumstances, she knew to at least entertain the girl. After all, there are certain people that even if you don't like them, you can't outright say it to their faces but instead, feign smiles that you both know it's fake.

That's what she's doing.

"Asad" She called out again, giving his arm a small squeeze.

He sighed yet again, before looking at his mother with a blank expression. He didn't want to do this, and she of all people understands why. So, why does he have to suck it up and act like the good person? He is not. He doesn't want to be if this is what it takes.

"Please" Ama added, her voice still low so only he can hear what he has to say. She saw it in his eyes the minute he crumbled.

He loves her too much to not do as she asks. Whatever she wants, he does it for her because that's the kind of love he has for her. It's only natural for a child to love his mother but the kind he has for her is beyond words. Perhaps, it comes with being an only child and having grown up with her as both mother and father figure to him.

His father is there for him too, but with the nature of his work and everything, he saw her more growing up and she has been his all.

So, if she asks him to do something to the point that she would add that 'please', he would cave in without a second thought.

The Formula of Forever✅Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora