3; Hide & Seek.

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Yasmeen was quick to shove the new book she got into the bag she came with. Lips stretching into a wide grin, she bid the gateman farewell and stepped out of her friend's house looking much more elated than she did when she came earlier.

The street wasn't crowded, having only a few people and cars littering the place. In the back of her mind, she knew she wouldn't get a ride there, she'd have to walk down the lane and take another to be able to find a tricycle.

The thought had her blowing a harsh breath. Not that she had a problem taking one, but she wouldn't have been in this situation if she hadn't sneaked out. She had already turned her phone off, but she's certain they've noticed her absence in the house again.

And to think she was supposedly 'locked up' after her escapade the day before.

They should've known that wouldn't work on her; especially not when books are involved here. For the book she risked leaving home to get from a friend of hers, she was willing and ready to take whatever scolding will come from her mother and aunts—after all, she's used to it.

It's a miracle she was able to live through the one from the day before considering she wasted another hour or two before she headed back home much to Amina's relief. The poor girl had to plead with Yasmeen countless times before she finally caved in and returned home only to receive an earful of scolding from her aunt, and Amina's mother—Kulu.

Weirdly enough, Yasmeen wasn't that bothered about it—mostly because she was able to get her aunt to calm down after promising to not leave the house again.

Technically, she never promised to not leave the next day. In her defense, what she meant by that was she wouldn't leave the house again the day before, and she didn't.

So, her promise doesn't apply the day afterwards.

Leaving the house earlier was a struggle, but she managed to do so without being caught. Because she sneaked out, she couldn't leave with her mother's car and hence, resorted to taking a tricycle. She didn't mind, since she has gotten what she came for and now the only downside is having to walk for a while before getting another one that will take her home.

The sun was up high, and shinning as bright as ever. The heat in Kano is no joke, that anyone can testify to and it seems that day is no different.

Nonetheless, she fixed her spectacles and her bag, as she strode down the lane with her earpiece plugged in. Feelings by Lauv played from the Spotify playlist she was currently listening to. It was a bad trait of hers to walk with her earpiece on, but she preferred it than to walk around feeling self-conscious all the time. At least then, her mind wouldn't be on the surrounding.

That day though, something was different. For even as she tried to focus on the song and on her path, she couldn't shake off this feeling she had. It was almost as if someone was following her and to make matters worse, the more she walks, the less people she saw.

Slipping her hand in the pocket of her Ankara gown, she turned the volume down slightly leaving it as nothing but a soft hum in the background. She then looked over her shoulder discreetly, and she could swear she saw someone's shadow there.

She swallowed thickly, her heart beating wildly against her ribcage. She was quick to take off the ear piece and stopped in her tracks. A normal person in her situation would run as far as possible, and truth be told, she was nearing that.

She turned around, looking behind her but there was no one there. That unsettling feeling was still there though, and she could swear someone is indeed watching her, making her freak out.

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