12; Lowkey FBI.

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Yasmeen Khalid and Rafael Ameen Gaya's wedding was called off on the very next day after his mother came and wreaked havoc in the Khalid household.

Though she wasn't that invested in the whole marriage talk, they had no choice but to call it off as she demanded. No one could claim otherwise, not even her ex-husband and Rafael's father, Ameen Gaya.

Before anyone could try to change the man's mind, she went to his place straight after leaving Yasmeen's house and lamented everything to him minus the part where the man Yasmeen is seeing is Asad Gidado.

She didn't know that too, as Aalia didn't tell her the identity of the man. She simply claimed neither she nor Rafael know who the man is since it isn't clear in the pictures either.

Alhaji Ameen Gaya didn't want to go back on his word regarding the marriage. But, Rafael's mother is pretty convincing not to mention, her threats would make anyone call of the wedding to save everyone's life and image.

He knows what his ex-wife is capable of. It's better to do things as she asked else she'll go back to Yasmeen's house and create a scene that would make them call off the wedding on their own.

So, to avoid a much bigger problem, they called off the wedding and requested for everything to be returned to them. From the bridal gifts, every naira spent, and everything the Khalid family has ever gotten from the Ameen Gaya family was requested to be returned under Rafael's mother's demand.

The weird fact is how she still rules that household despite no longer being a part of it. Perhaps, it's because she gave birth to the eldest child? One can never really tell.

Rafael wasn't happy about it one bit. How could he? When this is basically pushing Yasmeen into the arms of Asad. Why is Asad getting everyone? What is the man planning?

Talking to his mother is pointless, that much he knows. He couldn't even go to her house and scold Aalia for doing exactly what he told her not to do because that in return will mean him getting scolded by his mother instead.

He needed to vent his anger somewhere though-preferably, Asad's face. His anger wasn't because he lost the woman he doesn't even care about. He never liked her, and would've probably never. She's simply an okay person for a wife. Besides, his father is the one who picked her and he couldn't say no.

If he hadn't known of her acquaintance with Asad, then he honestly wouldn't have cared one bit about the wedding being called off. After all, that would mean more freedom for him so he might as well celebrate.

Losing to Asad Gidado though...that wasn't part of the plan.

Blowing out a frustrated breath, he picked up his phone and dialed a number he hasn't contacted in years. He could've visited the man's house, but creating a scene there wouldn't do him any good.

He brought the phone up to his ear, and then waited while pacing in his room. On the very last ring that held onto the last string of his patience, the man picked up from the other end.

"Let's meet" Was the first thing Rafael said the minute he heard the call being answered. He had stopped pacing, and was instead glaring at nothing in particular. He tried to keep his voice calm, but it was obvious he's either annoyed or upset.

A sigh came from the other end, almost lazily. "I don't want to." Asad replied, without a second thought.

Rafael raised a brow, lips slanted into a deep scowl. "What?" He questioned, disbelief coating his tone. He then blinked, blowing out steady breaths. "I don't have time for your games, Asad. Let us meet." He repeated his earlier statement, the words coming out much slower as if it would engrave itself in Asad's brain.

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