Land of the Living.

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Demon!Alastor x Human!Reader
(Warnings: Mentions of violence, Fluff, Angst)
Suggested by @Soggybooty
(Sorry if this is bad, I wrote most of it in the middle of the night lmfao)


Blue skies, white clouds, hills of endless rolling green grass, birds singing, and so much more. This was finally a world Alastor could wreak havoc upon without needing to worry about overlords and territory. This world could be his. Weeks had gone by since he had first stepped foot on this side of the board, and it hadn't gone unnoticed— not by the humans, at least. One by one, he began plucking them off like bugs in his hair, stomach always growling and snarling for more. His hunger was insatiable. But that was fine. There were so many people to eat here, and if he got caught, what would they do? Send him away? Kill him a second time? They could try, but he clearly had the upper hand in every situation.

Fliers had already been put up about the disappearances and people were beginning to fear going out at night. It reminded him of his former life. Except this time he wouldn't get caught. It was impossible for him to get caught.

His belly let out a low rumbling gurgle, reminding him of his famine. "Alright, alright," the stag rolled his eyes and stepped out of the woods, his vibrant red hair losing its deer-esque features and turning to a dark auburn color, his pale gray skin shifting to its once-almond color. With a click of his slim fingers, his red overcoat whirled into a white dress shirt with a brown waistcoat, glasses replacing the monocle that his amber eyes looked through.

"Let's go find ourselves a catch," he chuckled to himself, adjusting his bowtie a little before pulling a pair of leather fingerless gloves from his pocket. This shouldn't be too hard. After all, the streets were quite empty today. The man walked past numerous shop windows, all of them showing off fancy new technology that he didn't understand or some of the strange fashion people had been getting into nowadays. It was confusing as to how much could change within just a few years.

The smallest of cafés nicked his attention, his eyes turning to glance at what was inside. One person having a cup of coffee and a croissant and a woman looking very bored at the front counter. Alastor's eyes narrowed. Bingo. With a happy little chime from the bell above the door, he stepped into the cozy little area, the lady's head immediately popping up from where she had begun to doze off.

"Oh! Good morning, sir! What would you like today?" She was instantly alert, ready to take the newcomer's order while he had a look at the pastries on display, a small grin on my face. She didn't understand that what he wanted was her. Her delicate flesh in his jaws. Her blood flowing from between his teeth, tainting them scarlet. Her screams of pain filling his ears like a forbidden melody.

Another low grumble of hunger sounded from the man's stomach, cutting his rather crude thoughts off and bringing him back to the reality of which he was existent in. "Do you have any recommendations?" he cooed, rubbing his thumb and index against his pointed chin. Nodding, the woman pointed at some small cakes decorated with strawberries and red jelly — there were only three slices left. "I baked those fresh this morning, one of my best sellers." The man hummed, pushing his glasses up slightly before speaking, "I apologize, darling, but I'm afraid a never really had a sweet tooth."

She raised a brow. "'Darling?' What, did you get frozen in the nineteen hundreds?" a soft giggle followed her words as she looked down at some of the other pastries, trying to decide on something a little more to her customer's liking. Alastor just smiled.

"Well, I wouldn't be a gentleman without manners — which, by the way, seem like something far too many people lack..." He turned his head to look out the window, a group of teens being spotted throwing rocks at pigeons and passing cars. When he turned to look back at the lady, she had a small frown on her delicate lips. "I guess you're right," she murmured, slowly pulling her gaze away from the window and looking back down at her baked goods. After a moment, she pointed down at what appeared to be some fig newtons. "I can't say that they're completely free of sugar, but they definitely aren't as sweet as the rest of what I have here."

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