Un-Pure Feelings

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Kim couldn't be the only one who was jealous of you! There must be more girls who would do evil things to you, in less than a heartbeat! You can't say that you're Jackson's girlfriend, either. If you do that, Jackson's fans will decrease gradually! you bit your lip, life is a evil thing.

" y/n? " someone asked.

" I'm here! " you called out.

" it's me, Karry. Give me a minute to pick this lock. " Karry said.

A few second later, you heard a click. The door was open!

" woah! How did you do that? " you praised Karry with a thumb up.

Karry blushed, and you did too. You realized that you were still just wearing a tank top. You quickly threw on a t-shirt.

" how did you find me?" You asked curious.

" uh...I just realized that you weren't outside, and when Kim said there were no volleyball left, I knew something was up. We have too many volleyballs to count! "
he said. But what he didn't say was that he always was watching you during PE so he realized instantly when you weren't there.

" why were you stuck here anyways? " he asked.

" um. Kim was talking to me, and she told me to get the volleyballs, and I did but then......it doesn't matter what happened okay?" You paused.

" did Kim lock you in there? Because of you and Jackson? Gosh, that girl needs a grip. she have been crushing on Jackson ever since seventh grade! By the way ...Jackson told me that you remember again? I'm sorry about what I made Jackson do. Sorry... " he said slowly.

" maybe....don't tell Jackson though! And don't worry, I forgave you already." You said awkwardly. You don't hold grudges for a long time.

" look I just wanted to say that the reasons that I made Jackson lie to you weren't pure, okay? I .... Uh.... " he mumbled.

" huh? " you said confused.

' well.... I really liked you and you and Jackson were already a couple so I thought, if Jackson lied to you, you might break up with him! ...and go out with me instead." He blurted out the truth hidden all along.

A/N: DUNDUNDUNDUN ! Who will she choose? her past sweet boyfriend or the charming hot Karry. Or will she change opinions and go back to Roy? read on ! :D

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