Slack Day

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A/n- (Y/N) mean your name, and sorry it isn't super long!

I was sitting on the couch while Mark was finishing up recording for today. He actually had a free day for once so he promised that we would do anything I wanted to do. I was playing on my phone when all of the sudden I feel hands cover my eyes and hear a "Guess who?" I say "Hmmm...I dunno, I give up" Mark uncovers my eyes and I look at him and he starts smiling. "Why are you smiling?" I ask. "Just thinking about how beautiful you are." He says. "You are such a cheese ball Mark." We talk for a little longer when he asked me what I wanted to do. "How about play Xbox?" I say. "My two favorite things, you and video games." He says winking. I playfully slap him upside the head and say "Shut up cheese ball." We guys decide to 1v1 on Black Ops, and after I beat him for the 3rd time, he throws his controller down down and screams "That is so not fair, I call hacks!" I say back "It's not my fault you suck at the game." He looks at me and says "What did you just say?" I reply "I saaaaaid, its not my fault you suck." He thinks for a moment and starts to grin evilly and says "Well since you said that, now you have to be punished." I look at him and say "Maaaaark what are you thinking?" He says "Nothing, all I'm gonna say is expect it when you least expect it." I murmur to myself "Oh god..." Mark and I continue to play games, this time playing Dead Island, and after awhile, Mark asks if I'm hungry. "Yeah, I'm actually starving, would you pleeeease make me something?" I say giving a puppy dog face. Mark says "You know it." and then winks while walking away. I sit there for about five minutes waiting for Mark to come back when suddenly I see something sticky drizzle down my chest. I look up and Mark is poring syrup all over me! "Mark! What the hell?!" I scream. Mark stops pouring, looks at me, and says "Payback's a bitch!" and continues pouring. I get up and go to the kitchen and grab the chocolate syrup and start pouring it on him. After awhile it just turned into a full on food fight and we were both covered in syrup and chocolate syrup. "Well that was...interesting" I say as I'm laughing. "Yeah, but now I feel like a sticky bun..." Mark says. "Well I'm at least glad we got to have a fun day together." I say. "Yeah, well I know how to make it better." Mark says winking as he picks me up bridal style. "We'll see about that." I say giggling.

A/N- This is my first imagine ever, and I hope you guys like it! I would appreciate some constructive criticism, and I know it isn't great but this was practically off of the top of my head so yeah! Bye, love you guys, and see you soon!

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