Things You Like to Do

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A/N- This is gonna be sorta like a preference, but a story at the same time, it won't be super long, I'm sorry, but I am planning out a few other stories, and also if you have requests, just send me to me! Also, please don't get mad at me cause I haven't updated! I love you guys!

There are a few things that Mark and I love to do together, pulling pranks on each other is definitely one of them. On a regular basis, at least once a week I should say, one of us get pranked.

Today, I had the best prank planned ever! It's really not that hard, but Mark will hate it! I put hair bleach in his shampoo, and I put Bubble Gum Pink hair dye in his conditioner. Mark had just gotten home from the gym so I knew he was about to go shower. After about 10 minutes I hear Mark yell.

"(Y/NNNNNN)! What did you do!?"

I ran upstairs, and when I saw him I bust out laughing.

"I just put hair dye in you shampoo and conditioner."

"Whyyyyy? I look like a piece of bubble gum!" He said sadly.

"Oh calm down! You look sexy with pink hair! I bet your fans will love it too!" I told him.

"Oh crap! I forgot about recording! You're coming upstairs with me so I can show them the criminal!" He said deviously.

We ran upstairs to his recording room and after he got all set up he said

"Helloooo everybody my name is Marrrrkiplier and welcome! As you can see I have pink hair now thanks to my lovely girlfriend (Y/N)!"

"You know you love me!" I said.

"Well duh!" He said and smiled.

This was the best day ever!

Well that's it, I know it sucks! I will try to do better! I promise!

Bye guys, I love you, and I will see you soon!

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