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"teacher says that i've been naughty, i must learn to concentrate,"

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"teacher says that i've been naughty, i must learn to concentrate,"

bang bang bang bang, sohodolls

chapter four

JORDAN TOOK THE CIGARETTE OUT OF her mouth, her black-heeled boots splashed against the dark puddles that filled the pavements.

She threw the cigarette against the floor, crushing it with her boot and pushed the familiar glass doors open. The sound of conversations and small whispers flooded Jordan's ears, as she began walking down the long hallways in an attempt to find her locker.

She knew she probably was going to be suspended again for fighting Vance, so she wanted to quickly take anything she needed from her locker. She finally found the same blue locker she goes to every day, and quickly pushed in the combination.

The familiar click of the padlock unlocking wasn't heard, 'it's jammed again.' Jordan groaned internally at the thought and smashed her fist against her locker - effectively unlocking the jammed locker. She took a deep breath in, trying to bury any anger that had bubbled inside her before she got called to the principal's office.

She looked at the familiar messy books and useless papers, she bit her lip and began scavenging her locker for the one main thing she was looking for. After a few moments, she saw the hint of neon green and smirked, grabbing it quickly the girl stuffed the neon green lighter into her jacket pocket and slammed the locker door shut.

A few people turned to her at the sudden loud noise but quickly went back to their conversations when they realised it was only Jordan. The sound of someone clearing their throat behind the girl made her spin on her heels, she turned to face the teacher that stood tall behind her.

It was definitely a new teacher, she hadn't seen this woman before and she definitely wasn't a student. "Hello, Miss Richards, correct?" The woman asked, signalling with her eyebrows for the teen to respond.

Jordan hummed and nodded, crossing her arms over her chest. The woman nodded and mumbled a quick 'follow me,' that was barely audible over all the kids talking. Jordan reluctantly followed, kissing her teeth at the woman in front who marched her through the corridors.

Once Jordan finally got to the Principal's door the new teacher left, telling her that the principal would call her in a moment.

Jordan being Jordan, was feeling rather impatient - confused about what even the point was to come to school today if she was just going to be sent home.

bloodshed, v. hopper ✎Where stories live. Discover now