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"will you still love me, when i'm no longer young and beautiful? will you still love me when i got nothing but, my aching soul,"

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"will you still love me, when i'm no longer young and beautiful? will you still love me when i got nothing but, my aching soul,"

young and beautiful, lana del rey


THE SUN SHONE DOWN on Jordan's new house, the calm quietness is something she wasn't used to.

She was used to the eery silence and seeing Vance nearly every day from her window, but now she had to walk twenty minutes if she wanted to see him.

She sighed and bit her lip, Ava was given a house opposite Jordan, which meant Finney was practically living opposite her too, but that wasn't enough.

Jordan leaned against her sofa, she ended up selling most things from Andrew's house, except for her bedroom things and some other bits she wanted.

She pulled herself up, and turned to the phone, she sighed and walked over to it, she dialled the familiar number, a voice of a woman answering.

"Hello, this is Vera Hopper." The woman spoke kindly, and a small smile spread across Jordan's face.

"Is Vance home?"

"Oh! My dear, yes he is! I'll get him." She heard the woman shout his name, and heard her use the word girlfriend.

She still wasn't used to it.

He came to the phone, "hey."

"Move in with me." She got straight to the point, catching Vance off guard.

"Excuse me?"

"Move in with me."

"I'll be there in an hour."

A huge grin overtook her face as she heard the phone die, she placed it onto the hook and bit her lip in excitement.


VANCE WAS TRUE to his word, in an hour Jordan heard a car honk. She threw the door open and walked over to the boy who had boxes in his car.

"Hi," A smile spread across her face as she planted a quick kiss on his lips.

"Hey." He spoke out, getting out of the car.

"What did your mum say?" Jordan asked, turning her body to the side to pick up two boxes.

"She told me to go."

Jordan let out a laugh, "wow, kicked you out before you could say anything."

Vance smiled and followed her to pick up a few of his boxes, and walked into the house, Jordan laid the boxes onto the floor, and Vance did the same.

Jordan locked the door and sat down to open the boxes, "what did you bring."

"my things."

"Wow really!" Jordan spoke sarcastically, earning an eye roll from Vance.


ONCE VANCE GOT HIMSELF unpacked into the same room Jordan was in, he sat down next to her on the sofa and placed an arm around her shoulder.

"This house doesn't feel like a home." She spoke, a frown on her face. "I thought you being here would make it a home, but sometimes missing."

Vance raised an eyebrow, "it's the whole American dream house, isn't it?"

Jordan's mouth opened for a moment, a smile spread across her face, "yes!"

"Yes?" Vance asked.

"I got it!"

"Got what?"

"Why it isn't home! Cmon!"

Jordan slipped on her shoes and ran outside to Vance's car, she jumped into the passenger seat.

He quickly sat down next to her, he wanted to ask but didn't say anything.

"Paint shop!"


PAINT was spattered across the two of them as they finished painting the outside of the fence, they changed some of the interior to fit themselves more, the only thing left was the mailbox.

Jordan rushed over with a can of red and black paint, she wrote Vance's name on the mailbox in dark red before writing hers in black.

Vance was leaning against the mailbox while she painted the names, when he moved away, a big red handprint was left.

He gave Jordan a guilty look, "oops."

She rolled her eyes but rolled up her sleeve and dunked her hand into the black paint before slapping her own hand against the mailbox.

Vance cracked a grin, before rushing back inside the house, Jordan following him.

After the two washed their hands, they began moving the furniture around, the sofa moved in front of the window and the coffee table in front of that, and even the pictures moved.

Jordan had the taped photo of them holding hands along with the one of Vance and Jordan at graduation framed, Jordan placed them on the fireplace, an accomplished smile on her face.

After they were finished, the two collapsed into the sofa an exhausted look across the two's faces.

"Remind me to never move houses," Jordan chuckled, earning a nudge from Vance.

"I'll remind you."

Jordan laid her head against Vance's shoulder and closed her eyes, this is a future she could live with forever.



did u guys see the 'UP' movie implanted into the bit with the mailboxes 🤭🤭

bloodshed, v. hopper ✎Where stories live. Discover now