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"you're my best friend i'll love you forever,"

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"you're my best friend i'll love you forever,"

you get me so high, the neighbourhood

chapter fourteen

SEP 1973

THE CRISP AIR OF AUTUMN dragged Jordan out of her thoughts, the wind blew from all different directions, messing up her already messy hair.

Her hair was down to her shoulders as her father had cut it last week in a fit of rage. She kicked the stones under her feet, her hands stuffed into her pockets when a girl came running passed her, barging Jordan.

Jordan stumbled but didn't fall, she stood up straight and glared at the girl who looks scared, she ran over to Jordan and began frantically looking for injuries.

"Are you okay!? I didn't hurt you, did I?" The girl's voice was high pitch and slightly agitating, "I'm fine." Jordan spoke out through gritted teeth.

The blonde girl nodded and smiled, her entire look was different from Jordan's, the blonde girl was wearing a white long-sleeve blouse with a light yellow skirt, pulled together with a cropped cardigan over the blouse.

While Jordan wore a dark red bell bottom shirt, black bell bottom jeans, black boots and a leather jacket.

Jordan had a sneer on her face while the other girl had a bright smile.

"I'm Ava!" The girl spoke cheerfully sticking out her hand, Jordan glared at the girl and rolled her eyes before pushing passed her. Ava deflated her shoulders, a small frown taking over her face, but nonetheless, she perked right back up and ran after Jordan.

"What's your name?" She asked a dopey grin on her face, "none of your business. Stop following me."

"But we're going the same way!" Ava exclaimed, walking in step with Jordan.

"You're following."

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Shut up!" Ava stuck her tongue out at the girl and watched as she began speed walking to school completely ignoring the blonde for the rest of the way.

NOV 1973

JORDAN WALKED DOWN THE WET STREETS water splashing off of her boots. She heard the sound of running behind her and groaned, when she turned around she was face to face with Ava. "Hi, Jor!"

"Jordan." Ava frowned slightly, but when Jordan turned around she cracked a smile again and began walking in sync with her, at least Jordan isn't telling her to leave her alone.

bloodshed, v. hopper ✎Where stories live. Discover now