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"someone holds me safe and warm, horses prance through a silver storm,"

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"someone holds me safe and warm, horses prance through a silver storm,"

once upon a december,

chapter eight

THE WINDOWS WERE FOGGY, the sky was filled with white clouds and small snowflakes danced around the air.

Winter was here.

Jordan watched from her window as children played with the snow, a small smile making its way onto her cold face.

She was sitting on the ledge outside her window, her legs dangling out of it and her right arm was holding the wooden frame so she didn't fall out.

Snowflakes settled onto her legs as she heard people humming common Christmas songs and hearing kids shout happily about what they wanted Santa to bring them for Christmas.

The air was light and thin, a happy gleam on everyone's faces who passed, it was nice, Jordan loved the idea of Christmas, she loved how calm everyone around her seemed.

She pulled out her left arm and caught a few snowflakes with her hand, smiling back at a memory of when she was younger.

December 16th, 1967 :

7-year-old Jordan

Jordan hummed happily to herself as her mother wrapped a scarf around her neck, "all done darling." The woman spoke kindly, and with a big smile on her face, Jordan giggled and ran outside of the house to be greeted by heaps of snow on the ground.

"Mama come on! Hurry hurry!" The young girl laughed happily, after a few moments her mother came out, sporting a thick black jacket and a woolly hat she had knitted a month prior.

It was their first Christmas in the new house as a family, a laugh erupted from her mother's lips as she watched her daughter trip over in the snow.

Jordan quickly picked herself up and began making a snowman, her mother sat on the steps of the porch, a metal camera in hand as she took photos of her only daughter. The young girl giggled as the snowman toppled over, "Mama help me!" She spoke excitedly.

The woman placed the camera on the wooden steps and got up to help her daughter, a few neighbours passed and waved to Cecilia, who waved back with a soft smile.

Cecilia knelt down next to Jordan and began playing with the snow. After a few hours of playing in the snow, Jordan's father came along. He watched the two girls play in the snow and smiled contently, he walked over to the two and sat down.

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