My beloved summer 3

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Chapter 3

"Jungkook, what are your plans after this summer?" asked Jimin curiously as we were sitting all alone on the beach, with the company of a new moon and the July breeze.

"Just complete my education in music production and work as a producer in a good company, marry a girl or guy I like and have a few kids and have a happy life with them."

"What about you Jimin?"

"I really wish I could want simple things like you, but it confuses me a lot on what I want, but one thing I am sure I want is, my parents appreciation in everything I do and I never want to disappoint them," whispered Jimin, so both stayed silent for a while just staring into the sea.

"Jungkook, can I ask you a question?" He spoke after a while, becoming very nervous. I nodded.
"How did you find out you are bisexual?"

I wasn't surprised, because I have seen him checking me out on a few instances.

"Once I had sex with a guy who was also confused about his sexuality and that's when I realised I swing both ways," a comforting silence settled between us.

"Jimin, it is getting late. I think we should head to our room."

He nodded and I stood up stretching my hand out to help him stand.

As we both were standing there with only a small gap separating us, his warm raindrop smell enchanted me. We were looking at each other like if it had been the most beautiful thing in the world, his plump lip inviting me.

"Jungkook, your necklace is really gorgeous," he looked at the silver necklace with a raindrop pendant in it, his breath fanning over my chin.

"Tha..." I felt soft plump lips on my hard ones, my hand circled his waist as I pulled him closer to deepen the kiss, his eyes were closed and from the way he was kissing I realized that it was his first kiss.

When I tightened the grip on his pretty waist he gasped, allowing me to discover the beauty of his hot cavern with my tongue.

As we were getting breathless, my grip on him loosened and when he opened his eyes, there was a multitude of emotions swimming in his dark eyes. That moment breathing and I had wished it would last, but there was a loud voice filling the solitude of the beach.

"Jimin, where are you?" Yoongi hyung was heading our way, so I created a decent amount of gap between us.

"Hyung, I am here, i will come in 10 minutes," Jimin replied, his voice all raspy and breathless.
"It is already late, don't make it too late!" Yoongi shouted behind him.

An awkward silence fell over us, "I am sorry," whispered Jimin, avoiding my gaze. I held his chin and made him look at me as I shook my head.

"Jimin, it was the best kiss I have ever had."

His lips curled into a small smile, as his cheeks coated with a soft layer of pink. He looked enchanted as he was standing there shy under the fresh moonlight.

"I have to go," he said as I nodded and smiled. "Your necklace is pretty," he said again, only to follow those words by pecking my lips.

I was shocked when I realized what he did. I saw him running towards his room like an excited three year old kid.

While I was standing like an idiot grinning from ear to ear that day.

A sad smile crawled towards my lips, when I remembered our first kiss, seeing the same necklace I was wearing that day, dangling from Jimin's neck.


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