Switch Condos 6

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Chapter 6

On the table.

Jimin looked with a wide open mouth and then started clapping.

"That's the spirit, hyung! Uhuu!" He celebrated drinking a bit more. Jungkook looked into the direction of dance floor and his eyes got bigger. "You thought my hyung couldn't do that to him? Just a drop of this and he can throw himself into his arms easily!" Jimin pointed to the drink.

"Should I worry about Namjoon? You mean he throws himself atanyone if he's drunk...?"

"Yah! My hyung is loyal! He is not like anyone you know! He does it to the ones he only likes!" The blonde defended Hoseok, tapping the table with his drink.

"Hum. Ok." Jungkook shrugged his shoulder. "We'll only know after summer..."

"Yah! You wanna fight? My hyung would never do anything to hurt others! Even less for the ones he cares about! He is the God of the Sun! The most loyal and kind!" Said Jimin dramatically with a hand reaching to the sky. Jungkook looked up to the stars.

At the same time on the dance floor Hoseok and Namjoon were lost in each other.

"Shouldn't... we go... somewhere... mo... more private?" Namjoon asked between the kisses. Hoseok nodded with a big drunk smile.

"Yes... Is it okay at your's...?"

"Yeah. I've got the key." Answered Namjoon quickly, so both went away to the elevators holding hands and before the doors of the elevators closed they were kissing each other again.

Back at the table the atmosphere was boiling,

"Why are you so angry? That's what happens with short summer romances..."

"Aish... you... nnhheervviiiiiingmenshdof...!" Jimin groaned, imperceptible.

"What?" Jungkook questioned, confused.

"Look, you...! Yes, you! Sir, hot and show-off!"

"I'm a show-off?" Jungkook pretended innocently, being totally amused with the blonde's gestures.

"You are! You're always showing these...!" Jimin pointed to all of him, especially his arms. Jungkook arched a fun eyebrow. "You should know that here in all Asia, people don't go to the swimming pools naked!"

"I wear my shorts."

"No! You should cover more! Everyone sees and drools over you!" Pointed Jimin when Jungkook bit both lips to contain his laugh.

"So, you too?" He asked, leaving Jimin speechless for a few seconds. Jungkook now waited patiently, with a known look.

"I-I... can't...! That's it! It's forbidden to me!"

"Oh... But you already saw me naked. You already broke the rules."

"Ahm?! I've never seen you naked..." The blonde said with cute and big eyes almost whispering.

"You did. Maybe you can't remember. Your memory might be expir-"

"It's great! My memory is great! You... you... show-off! I would have remembered if I had ever seen you nak-...!"

"Would you like to see?"

"Yes!" Answered Jimin too quickly to the surprise of both. He soon regretted it, his face got too hot and he could barely drink more. Jungkook stared at him dangerously and deeply. "I mean... N-no... I c-can't... I'm a good boy..." The tone of his voice was lowering till whispering, with an embarrassed look, while he was shrinking on his seat. Jungkook looked at him tenderly watching that cute pout. "Hoseok-hyung... please come back..." Mumbled Jimin to himself. Jungkook turned his eyes to another direction because he almost gave in to that cute blondie.

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