My beloved summer 9

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Chapter 9

As the little girl talked to Jimin with her wide smile he smiled back at her and they were busy being in their own world.

I walked a step closer to them curiously to find out what they were talking about. The curiosity inside was killing me.

"Appa, I got the mochi," Kookiya told Jimin in an excited way.

"Kookiya, who has helped you?" he asked.

"I remember the uncle, but I don't remember his name," she said guiltily as she pointed her finger in the direction of the aisle I stood in.

For a moment when Jimin turned to see the little girl's finger, I felt like my heart was in a flood. Thinking about Jimin seeing me made me excited and nervous as hell.

Only to feel disappointed as he turned back.

"It's alright. Did you thank him?"

She nodded cheekly.

An ugly feeling settled in my stomach.

'Jungkook it's not true', my own voice whispered to me like a broken tape recorder trying to keep me away from the scene before me, as the duo continued to talk to each other.

I noticed a young lady coming near them with an admiring look, looking at the man and the little girl.

As she came near them, she gave both of them a warm hug and gave a small peck on the young girl's cheeks like a feather caressing a freshly bloomed flower.

As she turned to Jimin, she leaned in to kiss his soft plump lips, like it was her own property.
A lone unknown tear escaped  when I saw the kiss, as if my own body and soul were burning in the depth of hell fire.

"Appa, I am hungry," the little girl said, looking at Jimin with her sweet eyes.

"OK baby, we will leave if your dear omma has completed shopping."

His voice was so familiar like my mother's warmth at the same time so distant like the unknown future, reminding me of the things I had lost.

As I registered what they were talking about a cold shiver ran through me. I have always thought that Jimin was waiting for me or we were going to have our happy ending sometime in the future.

A pang of hurt came crashing into my heart like the thunder in the midnight rain, painful and powerful, proving to me that all my thoughts were mere thoughts.

The young woman nodded to Jimin, so the happy family walked out of the grocery store just the same way Jimin did years ago.

All my senses were clogging with hundreds of my unsaid emotions of hurt, anger and love.
Maybe it will take a long time for me to accept it and move on but even now if someone asks me.

"Do you hate Park Jimin?" I would never be able to say yes.

I loved him to a point where I would accept his decision of leaving me. Our relationship was a broken promise anyway, one he had started and ended with all his will.


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