Chapter 26

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Level 285: Mercury Coast

The expedition group looked around their current location, water and islands surrounding them. Tension has been high since they left the Hub. Quackity picked a fight with Sam. Ponk lost his comfort item and won't talk to anyone. Illumina seemed on edge, like he was just itching to go out on his own. Red was forced to stay back in the Hub while Ant was forced to go on this expedition so he was on edge. He didn't want to leave Red's side. He begged Sam to let Red come along but he had said "We can't risk an extra life Ant. We aren't going for Almond Water, we have no reason to have an extra person.". Ant didn't think Sam's logic made sense. More hands could be helpful in an attack. But Ant argued that they could bring a different person instead of him but Sam had argued back, holding that a medic would be needed in a worst case scenario.

And finally Ranboo, who was facing away from the group, cleaning his sunglasses on his sleeve. "Ranboo? Are you alright?" Ant spoke up, looking at the man. Ranboo quickly put his sunglasses on and turned around. "Uhm y-yeah... Yeah I'm good." Ranboo ran a shaky hand over his arm. "Ranboo... Do you want to talk to me about anything?" Ant asked, making it clear Ranboo could say no. But the split haired male nodded. The two of them walked off, making sure they were out of earshot from the rest of the group. "Look Ranboo. Whatever you tell me, stays between us. I promise." Ant offered a soft smile. Ranboo took a deep breath in and pulled his sunglasses off. Ant's instinct was to look away, knowing Ranboo never takes them off when people can see, but Ranboo was quick to catch him. "You can look, Ant, I trust you."

Ant reluctantly looked at Ranboo, noticing one of his eyes were red and the other remained green. "I want to talk about these." Ranboo moved his fluffy hair and pointed to a set of horns that seemed to grow from his head. "I actually know what those are!" Ant smiled. "Those are cutaneous horns.".

"What are cutaneous horns?" Ranboo tilted his head slightly, cocking an eyebrow. "They are a type of skin lesion. They can be surgically removed, which I might be able to do but I don't want to risk it in all honestly. I will only do that procedure if you really want me to."

Ranboo shook his head. "No. I'm just fine with them, I just wanted to know what they were." Ranboo seemed a bit more relaxed but still on edge. "If I change my mind, I'll let you know.".

"Sounds good, but we should probably head back to the group, they are probably wondering where we went." Ant said, brushing sand off of his ripped up jeans. Ranboo just sighed, putting his sunglasses back on and ruffling his hair once again to cover the horns. They both made their way to the rest of the group, who didn't seem to notice their disappearance at first.

"Where did you guys go?" Ponk asked, turning to face them. "Oh, Ranboo just wanted to talk to me. Don't worry about it." Ant said, shrugging and walking forward with Ranboo. "Not like Sam noticed you guys were gone." Quackity sneered.

"Shut up!" Sam hissed through gritted teeth, throwing his trident in Quackity's direction, just barely missing him. Quackity grabbed it and tossed it back. "I'm going to kill you!" Quackity threatened, rushing forward. Ant and Illumina ran forward, grabbing Quackity and holding him back. Sam stepped forward but Ranboo and Ponk grabbed him too. "You aren't killing anyone!" Illumina said, yanking Quackity back. Quackity fell to the sand with a huff, screaming something in spanish. Ant glared at Quackity. "What?" Sam asked, genuinely not knowing what Quackity said, but sensing it was another threat.

"I said I'm gonna rip your fucking throat out asshole!" Quackity seethed, standing up. "You aren't gonna be ripping anyones throat out!" Illumina retorted, dragging Quackity away, despite the beanie wearing man's writhing.

"Let me go!" Quackity hissed, trying to pull himself forward. "Ok." Illumina released his grip suddenly, causing Quackity to stumble face first in the sand. Ant struggled to contain his laughter, instead releasing it as a brief snort of amusement. Quackity just stood up and walked to the water's edge. He stripped his shirt off, quickly washing the sand from it. He just silently continued washing his clothing from the sand, putting the wet cloth back on. "You know, we smell like blood. This is a good chance to clean up." Sam mentions, staying clear of Quackity. Ant just moved to be between the two males and pulled his hoodie off. He just kept to himself in this. Just washing his clothes up. The entire group rarely found levels like this and when they do, it feels like a godsend. The few chances they get to clean themselves up, they take. They all know there's probably thousands of levels with large bodies of water. Illumina walked over too, taking his black cloak off and dunking it under the water, roughly scrubbing at the cloth until all the blood had come out. Ant struggled slightly to get the blood from his beloved hoodie.

"Here, let me help." Illumina carefully took it from Ant and began scrubbing at the cloth, getting the blood out quickly. While Illumina did that, Ant took his glasses off and dunked his head underwater to clean the dry blood from his face. Cleaning blood from skin is a lot easier than cleaning it from cloth.

Ant pulled his head up from the water, shaking the droplets from his face right as Illumina pulled the hoodie from the water and squeezed as much water out as he could. Ant put his glasses back on. "Thanks Illumina!" Ant smiled softly. "The group seems to enjoy your company. You should stay."

Illumina just shook his head. "I prefer being out on my own, Ant. But hey, give this to Karl for me. I'm planning on heading out today, and I want him to know I'll come back at some point." Illumina smiled, handing his cloak to the brunet. Ant took it and put it in his bag. "I will give this to him when we get back."

"Thank you Ant." Illumina chuckled, "You're a good guy." Illumina grinned from under his black surgical mask before standing up. "Everyone, this is where I depart. I'll come back sometime soon." Illumina said, before walking off. "See you soon, Illumina!" Ranboo calls.

"Stay safe man." Quackity chimes in. Everyone gave Illumina their goodbyes before he no-clipped through the floor.

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