Chapter 28

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Level 285: Mercury Coast

Sam turned to the group, "Shall we get going everyone?". "I guess." Quackity shrugged before quietly mumbling 'asshole' under his breath. Sam shot Quackity a hostile glare. "Keep your comments to yourself."

Quackity flipped the much taller male off. "Did I ask for your fucking opinion Sam? No." Quackity stalked forward, pushing passed Sam. Sam groaned, "I didn't ask for yours either."

"This is like the faceling thing all over again Sam!" Quackity stared Sam in the eyes. Ant felt his stomach sink. "Do not bring that up." Sam seethed. "Quackity.. Tread ca-" Ant started but was quick to get cut off. Quackity grabbed Sam by the collar of his shirt. "They ripped your eye out. And believe me, I will do worse than what they fucking did! Don't you remember that pain Sam?" Quackity sneered, smirking. Sam grabbed Quackity by throat and slammed him to the ground, strangling the raven. "Shut up! Shut up! Shut the hell up!" Sam snapped, his voice becoming a rough yell. "I will kill you!"

Ponk moved quickly to try and stop Sam. "Sam stop!" The white haired male shouted. Ant and Ranboo moved to help Ponk. The three men struggled to pull Sam from Quackity. Quackity in this whole ordeal, is gasping for air every time Sam gets yanked backwards. "Sam! Knock it the fuck off!" Ant yelled, his medic instincts kicking in as Quackity's face began turning purple. Ant ripped Sam back and pinned him to the ground. The brunet pulled a pocket knife from his shoe, flipping it open, and pressing it against Sam's neck. "Get off of me Ant!" Sam writhed, failing to pull from his grip.

"Sam, I recommend you knock this shit off. One wrong move and this knife will go directly into and sever your carotid artery. I wouldn't dare move if I were you." Ant said, pressing the knife a little deeper into the flesh of Sam's neck to prove his point. "Wait!" Ponk yelled. "Quackity said a faceling ripped your eye out. Sam, is that true?" Ponk looked at the two. Ant responded for Sam, knowing the green haired man's current situation. "A highly aggressive faceling attacked Sam when me and Quackity found him. Why do you think he wears an eyepatch? The incident." Ant sighed. Ponk and Ranboo exchanged disturbed glances.

"Please... I don't want to hear about that anymore! I don't want to remember it!" Sam yelled, tears falling from his uncovered eye. Ant pulled the knife away, closed it, and slid it back into his shoe. Ant moved back and helped Sam up, dusting the sand from his friend's back. "Sorry Sam." Ant sighed and rubbed his arm guiltily. Sam just walked away, the group following. The group walked and walked and when they had to cross the water, they would tread carefully.

They walked through the water to the next island and soon stepped out onto the shore. The group was exhausted and began to relax in a small cave they'd found. Ant had reorganised his bag at least five times, having nothing else to do as his friends drifted off into deep sleep. He remained awake to make sure they all stayed safe.

Ant sat against the cave wall, letting out a tense sigh, wondering what was going on with Illumina. Ant wondered how the raven was holding up. Through his exhaustion, he looked at Illumina's cloak in his bag, an odd sinking feeling in his stomach and he tried to push it down. Illumina was fine. Ant knew that he was fine.

Alive and fine. Yeah, he was. Ant smiled to himself, knowing Illumina was skilled and smart enough to survive anything the Backrooms had to offer, right?

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