Bad Decisions (pt 2)

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I entered into my father's room to see him nonchalantly reading magazines while his attacker laid unconscious on the floor.

"Father, are you injured?" I asked softly not wanting to startle him. He raised one eyebrow as he continued to read his book, he looked up at me startled for just a moment but then calmed as soon as he recognized that it was me.

"Hey Perc, I am so glad to see you," he stood up and hugged me tightly, "Are you here for my friend? Awe...i was just starting to enjoy his company..."

I pulled away slightly from his grip so I could look him in the eye, "You were almost killed! what in chaos are you going on about? what if I hadn't made it in-" I trailed off unable to voice my concerns out loud.

"Don't worry my son...I am safe now." he assured me. He then coughed violently, suddenly followed by blood spewed from his mouth. 

My senses tingled just as a knife came hurling across the room directly towards father. Grabbing  his wrist, I shielded us with a thick block of ice.

"Stop this at once! I won't repeat myself." I warned as the forgotten intruder had regained consciousness.

"Order shall come to this land, I'm just paving the way so they may enter." the intruder finally spoke. "For them to come, Chaos must leave this world." 

"You leave me no choice," I muttered, ignoring his rants as I launching the ice shield knocking him

"Take him away. Notify the royal council, we'll have his trial immediately!" how dare this person make an attempt on my mothers life!

"-My prince-"

"Are you deaf!?" I snapped, cutting off the guard, "Don't you dare make me repeat myself."

I turned around, "Leave us." I stated.

"As you wish, my prince." The guard said, bowing respectfully before leaving the room.


I turned my gaze to my father whose eyes filled with tears, "Mother please forgive me."
he embraced me again. "Oh my son it's alright, I'm safe now."

"You are gravely ill, please save your strength and sit," I said pulling away from the embrace.

"But-" he began trying to protest.
"No more excuses mother, let me help you."

It's strange to admit it, but the creator of the universe is ill. He has been for over three hundred years now, he's only survived because of the energy I provided him with.

I guess the most powerful being, isn't the most powerful afterall.

Putting my father to sleep, I went off to speak with the council regarding the incident that just happened. Walking into the council room, I was met with the familiar site of adults arguing with each other as the one in charge looked wide-eyed at the whole situation.

Some things never change- different adults, same attitude.


"I'm here to discuss, what the heck you were doing to let an intruder pass the gates and into the room of the ruler of this planet!" I growled as the room became silent.

"Oh look, a child-"

"I dare you to finish that sentence." I dead paned, giving the room a dirty look.

"My Prince, there seemed to be some disruptions erupting across the universe as we speak. While looking into the matter, we let our guard down. We accept any punishment you see fit to give us." One of the council members spoke.

Sighing, I informed them that I wanted a detailed written report of today's incident and the report of the universal matter.

"I want them on my father's office in the next hour." I instructed as cries of outrage filled the room as I made my exit.

"Ely, get my uniform ready. I'd like to address the public, also have you heard from Luke?"

A figure emerged from my shadow and took her place beside me.

"All done my prince, a request was just sent to inform the citizens of this kingdom and your uniform is ready and waiting. Your brother had joined the Chaos army one year prior leaving the Royal academy. He is currently off planet fighting a war. " She informed.

"What of my other brothers?"

"Prince Charles is visiting the kingdom Regard, he is currently awaiting his enlistment in the army. Prince Castor has been applying to joint the army however he has been rejected due to his age."

I chuckle escaped my lips, "Look at my brothers being all proactive- Hey Ely, what's the age requirement to join the army again?"

"You're asking me? You were the one that set it, you idiot." She said while smacking me up the head.

Thank you for all the support everyone has been sending my way🦋
Blue hearts for you💙

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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