The Well Within

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Hi readers
I hope your enjoying this story so far. Just so you know there's gonna be a plot twist in the next chapter.
Happy Reading

Ps There's a competition, Think of evil name and post it in the comments below.

SPLASH As Alea plummeted into the water below. A cold rush came over her body. She came up for air and she noticed she wasn't in a well, It was a secret Mystical chamber. "Alea, Are you okay?" Danielle asked. "Yeah I fine but you guys have gotta come down here" Alea replied. "Well Dudes you heard what like the Dudette said. Lets get like down there" Emily exclaimed as she jumped into the well. "Geronimo" Danielle shouted. "Do I have too?, I didn't wear my waterproof shoes" Alyssa moaned. "ALYSSA!!!" The girls shouted from in the well. "Okay fine" Alyssa complained as she dove into the well.

"Wow this place is amazing" Alyssa exclaimed "Its worth more than my designer shoe collection". "This discovery shouldn't be cooped up, It should be opened up for the world to see" Danielle exclaimed. "Dudes, Maybe it's like our destiny to like find this place" Emily said.

Suddenly a huge light brighten up the place. It was the light of the moon. The water began to bubble and started to glow. "What's happening?" Alyssa asked. "I don't know" Alea replied. A group of little light swarmed and could remind you of fireflies. Soon the girls began to float above the water. The girls could see magical waves coming up out of the water towards them. Waves began to swirl round them like a tornado. The last thing they saw was huge flash and the rest was black.

They woke up by a tree. "Was that a dream?" Danielle asked. Suddenly someone appeared through the wood and said "No it was not".

To be continued
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