The Spy Within

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After a while they had all the gadgets they needed.

Emma then directed them down the hall way and to a Classroom Marked 11.

"This is Classroom 11 as you can tell by the sign. This Classroom is Mackenzie Forrest's. As soon as she comes out, I want you to follow her and remember report anything back to HQ" Emma explained to Danielle.

"Got it" Danielle replied as she activated her invisible spray and disappeared.

"Ok the rest of you hurry up" Emma shouted.

They turn a few corners and Ended up at Classroom 6.

"This is Classroom is where Blake Lively Class is, I want you to ask him on a date. Then the closer you get to him the more he'll cooperate" Emma explained to Alyssa.

"Got it" Alyssa smiled as she stood by the door.

The then went one door down and there was classroom number 5.

"This Alea's classroom. For this mission you'll need ninja spray. Spy on Alea, Your one of the most important parts of this operation so don't get caught" Emma explained to Emily.

"I've got it Dude" Emily replied as she activated her ninja spray.

It felt like 5 hours but finally the bell rang. We go now to Alyssa.

Blake walked out of the classroom accidentally bumped into Alyssa. His books fell to the ground.

"Oh I'm so sorry" Alyssa explained as she bent down to help pick up his books.

"Oh no it's my fault" He replied smiling.

Then followed was complete silence, But then after a while he spoke.

"Your Pretty cute" He explained.

"Thanks" She replied smiling.

"You have a beautiful smile" He explained as he laughed.

"Sorry that's my bad. That was bad complement. I'm just nervous in front of a beautiful girl like you" He continued.

"Thanks" She replied.

"Ok I'm just gonna get to it. Would you like to go on a date with me" He asked.

Alyssa was shocked inside. "Wow he thought I was pretty" Alyssa thought.

"Sure" She answered.

"Can I have your phone number?" He asked.

"Sure, But you have to give me yours" She answered still smiling.

They both exchanged phone numbers and then Blake walked away.

"HQ Going on a date with Blake. Mission complete" She said into her watch.

"Excellent" Emma replied "Please go enjoy the next period".

"Do you want me to spy on him?" She asked.

"No we'll send someone else to do that" Emma replied.

"Okay" She responded.

"But if I need you I'll call you" Emma answered "Emma out".

Alyssa then went to have lunch.

We go now to Danielle.

The bell rang and all the students rampage out of there like elephants. "Where is she?" She thought.
Then she quickly spotted her running down the corridor. Suddenly a notification came up on her watch "Out of invisible spray". "Drat" She thought "Well time to use some powers.

She quickly made her self invisible and made her as quick as the speed of light. She quickly ran up the halls, Trying to find Mackenzie. She quickly spotted her and followed her.

Mackenzie then walked into a room marked "Danger Do not Enter". She entered anyway. The room was jam packed by an enormous table with about 20 chairs.

Mackenzie sat down and looked like she was waiting for someone.

20 minutes later, Blake walked in. He carried a briefcase in one hand and a cellphone.

"I'd better record this" She thought as she made herself fly.

"Where were you?" Mackenzie snapped.

"I found a pretty girl and asked her out on a date" He responded.

"That must have been Alyssa" Danielle thought.

"We have no time for girlfriends. Give me the briefcase!!!" Mackenzie shouted.

"No" He replied glaring into her eyes.

"Very well" Mackenzie sniggered "We'll play it the hard way".

Then out of nowhere flaming fireballs came hurdling towards him.

He only just dodged them.

Danielle knew she had to help him so she muttered something under her breath. "Control the body, Control the mind, You will move like I do".

Danielle moved to the right.

Blake moved to the right.

"Great it works" Danielle thought.

A few thousand dodges later.
"You win for now" Mackenzie cackled as she left the room.

"Undo" Danielle muttered.

But what she didn't know she undid her invisibility.

"Why are you flying?" He asked

To be continued
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