The Mystery Within

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School Cafeteria 12:00pm
"Hey Dudes like what's grooving?" Emily asked as she sat down on the table. "Nothing much, Just worried about Zac" Alyssa replied. "I've got great news.... I got into HIPPIE HIGH" Emily explained. "Wow that's great, I got into Amazon Adventures Academy. I want to learn my fear" Danielle replied. "I got into Agriculture Academy. Its includes Fashion, Singing, Dancing and Drama. So when I'm older I'm gonna be a magnificent famous singer" Alyssa explained. "I got into a Lawyers Academy..." Alea explained as she was interrupted by the doors. The only time the doors open in the cafeteria is if...

1. There late to the cafeteria
2. When there serving Chicken surprise
3. There's a new kid
4. It's the principal

A girl walked in. She had short brown hair and brown eyes. She was taller than Alea but shorter than Danielle. That's because Danielle one of the tallest in the school. She walked towards them and said. "Hi I'm Emma" She said. "Hi Emma" Danielle said. "Can it Jones" Emma growled "I'm a Mystical cop". She then pulled her badge out, showed it to the girls and then slid it into her pocket. "You" Emma continued "With the curly hair, Has anything happened to you?". "No" Alea replied. "Do you have any siblings?" Emma asked writing down something into her notebook. "I have a sister Eeva. She kind, Sweet, Caring, Cute and adorable. She's eleven and I'm 16." She replied. "Don't you think something's gonna go wrong with your power and she's gonna end up in the hospital?" Emma asked. "Oh I've taken care of that, Every Time that I Mad, Angry or Sad the Power Shield goes, If I'm happy it goes off" Alea replied. "Your clear to go" Emma growled. Alea left the cafeteria. "Probably gonna go get her phone" Alyssa thought. "Okay right, Now we can talk. I thought she'd never leave. Ok I'm actually recruiting you to be Detectives. We had a few suspects to your magic mishap that I'd like to share with you" Emma explained.

"Sharna-Maree- She didn't become a Mystical last year. She became 50 years ago. So she was lying to you" Emma explained

"Wheres your proof?" Danielle asked.

"How long has the principal been at this school" Emma asked.

"50 years.... Oh you are good" Alyssa replied.

"Wow like dude your like incredible" Emily exclaimed.

"Thanks I get that a lot" Emma explained.

"So who are the other suspects" Danielle asked.

"Mackenzie Forest. She's a Mystical as well. It's a mystery that she even became one" Emma explained.

"Why is that?" Alyssa asked.

"Because before you become a Mystical they have a debate. They had no debate because they all said no. But there are rumours that one of them did it anyway. But most of them believed she fell down by accident" Emma explained.

"Why would they like think someone was like trying to sabotage them?" Emily asked.

"Because before Mackenzie became a Mystical, Mysterious things began to happen at the council. Books flying of shelves, Papers flying everywhere and Mackenzie's files went missing" Emma explained.

"It's like someone like wanted her to like become a Mystical" Emily exclaimed.

"Exactly Emily, Someone who also is taking power from you" Emma inquired.

"Who's the next suspect" Alyssa asked.

"Yours truly" Emma smiled as she pulled out a picture of............................


"What?, Why would you think that it's her?" Danielle questioned.

"She's knows everything about Mysticals. Don't you think a bit weird that she fell into the well first. Wouldn't you think she had something to do with it. Why would she accidentally fall down a well with her knowledge of Mysticals" Emma explained.

"You know she does have a point..... Wait a minute, You were spying on us." Danielle replied.

"Remember I'm a cop but also a secret agent. I know everything" Emma explained.

"Is there like any like more suspects. Dude" Emily asked.

"Only Blake Lively" Emma yawned.

"BLAKE LIVELY The most hottest guy in school" Alyssa squealed as she fainted.

"Blake Lively is not worth it girl, He's just a talented Football Star and In his spare time, He does charity work" Danielle yawned.

"But he's so adorbs" Alyssa exclaimed.

"Trust Danielle he's not your type" Emily explained.

"Ok girls, Here's the deal I want you 3 to go undercover for me. Is that okay?"
Emma asked.

"Sure" The girls answered.

"Ok now let's get down to business. I will give you each an assignment.

Emily- I want you to spy on Alea.

Danielle- I want you to spy on Mackenzie Forrest

Alyssa- I want you to spy on Blake Lively

Now I've given you each an assignment. Do any of you have any questions?" Emma explained as she started to hand them files with top secret information.

"Yes I've got a question" Alyssa replied. "Why is Blake Lively on the suspects list".

"Well he's not really, He's a target. He has top secret information about who's taking your powers because he used to work for her. But he refuses to give information to us. So that's why you need him to crack" Emma explained.

"So if Alyssa mucks up. It'll ruin this whole operation" Danielle asked.

"Yes Basically" Emma replied.

"We're like counting like on you" Emily exclaimed.

"I know but I promise I won't blow it this time" Alyssa smiled.

"Ok girls were gonna need spy nicknames.

Alyssa- Yours is 1607
Emily- Yours is 1308
Danielle- Yours is 2511

Now time for your gadgets. Remember you can't always rely on power" Emma explained as they walked to the gadgets.

But little did they know someone was watching them.

To be continued.

Please keep guessing who the mysterious lady is in the comments below😀

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