The Final Countdown Within

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This is the last chapter of the Mysticals. I hope you've enjoy these many chapters that I have wrote.

But this isn't the end. There's Book 2 out with its first chapter. It's called Magix. Quick and easy way to find it search my name and click my profile and just click works and it'll be there.

This Chapter is Dedicated to Sskyann for her amazing book.

You should check it out

Anyway to the story

Emily's P.O.V

The Trees were beautiful, Man I love nature. This Forrest was one of the beautifulest Forrest I had ever seen.

"Emily,Emily,Emily" Danielle shouted interrupting my meditation.

"Man Dude what's with you're bad vibes" I exclaimed.

"Well we really need to get back home so come on" Alyssa snapped at me.

I got up and started walking and I know these feet weren't made for walking. Suddenly a sharp pain pierced my back. I began to feel dizzy and I could feel myself hitting the ground.

Alyssa P.O.V

Emily fell down hitting the ground with a thud. I rushed over and inspected her body. In her back was a dart. I pulled it out of her skin. But just as was about to examine the dart when Danielle fell to the ground with a big thud. I quickly raced over and quickly pulled the dart out of her back. There was an engraving on it. It spelled D.A.R.T.Z.

I gasped as I began to run away when a dart pierced my back. I fell to the ground with a big thud.

When I woke up I found myself in my room. "Strange" I thought as I ran into the kitchen. "Mum......" I asked but my mum interrupted. "Oh thank goodness you're awake. You're late for school". "But Mum I......" I exclaimed but was interrupted by mum again. "No buts now Zac will take you to school".

Zac walked in waving the keys in front of my face. I hopped into his Toyota and he started the engine. "Do you remember?" I asked him. "To take out the garbage. Yes I did" He replied. "No not that the" I then explained the whole adventure starting off with the lockdown. He smiled and then laughed and then said "Man you have some crazy dreams". "But don't you remember" I asked as I turned around. But he was nowhere to be seen.

I rushed through the door of the school and immediately found Emily and Danielle. "Do you remember" I asked. "Of course we do who could forget all the adventures we had" Danielle replied "I talked to Blake he remembers as well". "What about Sharna" I asked as I rushed up the stairs towards the principal office. I opened the door and found the principal sitting on the desk looking at some files.

"Do you remember trapping us against our will" I asked. "Well this a school dear your supposed to learn its the law" She replied. "No I don't mean that I mean" And then I explained everything starting with the lockdown. "Wow you have a wild imagination. Have you ever consider writing that into a book" She exclaimed. "So you don't remember?" I asked. "Remember what" She replied. "Oh nothing I'm sorry to have disturbed you" I said puzzled as I walked out of the office.

Third person P.O.V

The mysterious lady flew through the widow of the office. "I'm so glad you joined the Acting Club Dawn" She smirked as Dawn pulled of the principal mask. "I can't believe Sharna thinks I'm good, Pathetic for a Mystical". "I know right we totally deceived her" Dawn smiled wickedly. "Have you got the files" She asked. "Here they are" Dawn explained as she passed the files over. "Excellent you deserve Danielle's power" She smiled as she looked at the document. "About that when am I getting my powers" Dawn asked. "You already have them there just developing. Danielle will a still have her power until yours have fully developed and then you will be unstoppable" She replied. "I like that plan" Dawn exclaimed.

"Should we check on Sharna" Dawn asked. "Yeah sure why not I could use a good laugh" She laughed as the door of the closet open and there was Sharna tied up in the closet.

She had a gage on her mouth and Dawn ripped it off. "I trusted you" Sharna spat. "Looks can be deceiving" She cackled. "You'll never find what your looking for" Sharna snarled. "Interrogate her" She said turning towards the back. She then pulled out a picture of a woman. "I will avenge you" She whispered.

What are they planning?
Find out in Magix
The Second Mysticals

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