The Love of the Peacock Within

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Alyssa hands slipped out of Blake's and she started falling. She felt herself plummeting into the ground below.

Suddenly a green light flashed in her eyes and everything went in slow motion.

Her necklace, A lucky peacock necklace began to glow. As soon as she touched it time stopped and she was only one that could move.

Suddenly she heard something in her head. A song she had heard a long time ago.

In the future you will be cursed
A curse only you can reverse
True love breaks the spell
If you're truly in love ❤️ you will hear a bell

After that time went back to normal as she felt herself falling.

She looked up at Blake, He looked worried. But then he did something so stupid, Alyssa just couldn't say anything to stop him. He jumped in after her.

He fell and just caught up to Alyssa.

"We're never gonna get out. Might as well fall to our doom together. But before we do I want to do something" Blake explained as he pulled Alyssa and kissed her.

Suddenly they heard bells ringing in the background and suddenly they blacked out.

When they woke up, They found themselves in the corridor lying next to the others.

"Like what happened Dudes" Emily asked.

"True love happened" Alyssa exclaimed as she held Blake's hand.

"Fools, You'll never get out of here" They cackled through the speaker.

"Quick let's catch them" Alea explained as she started to run up the hall.

All of them ran up the hallway except Blake who pulled her back.

"I've got to ask you a question. Will you... Marry me" Blake asked as he kneeled down and proposed holding a diamond ring in his hand.

Omg Really that was so unexpected

What do you think Alyssa's gonna say?
Guess in the comments below

To be continued

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