The Proposal Within

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Blake's P.O.V

The Beautiful diamond ring sparkled in light.

Alyssa didn't know what to think or say. She look at me definitely.

Alyssa looked towards the ceiling, then towards the ring and then me.

She didn't know what to say. I could tell.

When I look at her, her eyes light up and then her wavy brown hair glows like an Angel. I love her and that's what counts.

Her friends Danielle, Emily and Alea came running back with some strange boy but I could recognise him. He looked a lot like Alyssa with his brown hair .But not Alyssa's Blue eyes, He had green eyes.

Alyssa then turned and yelled "Zac!!!!". She then ran towards him and hugged him.

"So this is why she never said yes, She's in love with someone else" I thought feeling like my heart had burst into a million pieces.

"So do you guys know each other" I asked.

"Yeah, He's my brother" Alyssa explained.

"Oh, That makes more sense" I thought as I realised he was the one I was working for.

"Wait a minute" I explained "Your one of the leaders at D.A.R.T.Z".

Alyssa mouth dropped open. "So your that Zac" Alyssa exclaimed.

"I did the undercover thing because someone was out to get you" Zac explained. "And also" Zac continued "Because I got to hang out with my girlfriend".

"Who's your girlfriend?" Danielle asked.

"This girl right here" Zac explained as he bought forward Alea.

"What?" Alea exclaimed "Tyler was going out with Emily".

They all turned and stared at Emily.

"What he was like cute Dudes" Emily shrugged.

"I still waiting for an answer!!!" I shouted.

"Blake I barely know you, I don't think we're ready for marriage" Alyssa explained.

My heart was shattered.

"Wait, You haven't told her your real name" Zac blurted out.

"What's your real name?" Alyssa asked.

"My real name is................

What is Blake's real name?
Will Alyssa decided to marry him?
Will Danielle find true love?
Will Emily marry Tyler?
Will Alyssa freak out in the next chapter?
Will I stop asking you questions?

Find out in the Next Chapter
The Confession Within

To Be Continued😀
Please Comment😃

Try to guess Blake's real name in the comments below!!!

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