The Confusion Within

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"Sharna" Alyssa exclaimed "Why would she do this?"

"I've got no idea" Blake responded.

"And you still haven't told us who your working with" Danielle explained.

"Okay, I was working for D.A.R.T.Z " Blake replied.

"What does D.A.R.T.Z stand for?" Alyssa asked.

"It stands for the Leaders of the Group.
D stands for Dawn
A stands for Alea
R stands for Rochelle
T stands for Tyler
Z stands for Zac
And that's it" Blake responded.

"I can't believe what I have to do... But Blake your under arrest for working with an evil agency and taking our powers" Alyssa explained as she created some cuffs.

"We're not evil and we didn't steal your powers, We copied them" Blake exclaimed.

"Why would you do that?" Alyssa asked as the cuffs disappeared.

Suddenly Alea appeared.

"Why would you guys send Emily to spy on me, I thought we were best friends!!!" Alea shouted.

"We thought you might have been the bad guy" Danielle responded.

"How could you do this I thought we were best friends. Friends don't spy on each other" Alea yelled.

"They also don't keep secrets but I don't see you not doing that" Alyssa yelled back.

"Well then you don't deserve friends like me" Alea yelled as she disappeared.

The room silenced for a while. Danielle and Alyssa were thinking of what Alea had said.

"I kinda feel guilty" Alyssa sobbed.

"Me too" Danielle replied.

But they were interrupted by a siren and the doors slammed shut.

"I'm Sharna and I Emma and were totally evil" They cackled through the speaker.

To be continued
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