The Mystical Within

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A girl about a year older emerged from the forest. She had long blonde wavy hair. "I wonder what her name is?" Alyssa thought. "Oh I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. My name Sharna Maree" The girl explained. "Did you just..." Alyssa asked as Sharna Maree interrupted. "Read your mind yes, I've been watching you for a year now and I can see you've got potential to be a Mystical" Sharna Maree answered. "Wait you can read minds... That's ... AWESOME" Alea shouted as she high fived Sharna Maree. "How were you watching us?" Alyssa asked. "Remember the Principal of your school... I'm her" Sharna Maree as she turned into the Principal. Everyone gasped expect for Danielle. "How were you watching me?" Danielle asked. "I was your Gym teacher" Sharna Maree explained. "So that's why you let me choose what fitness we did and I never guessed for a moment that you were spying on me" Danielle exclaimed. "I'm gonna be your trainer to help you control your powers" Sharna Maree explained "Your first lesson is transportation because I want you to meet me here and believe me you guys are slow walkers". "Hey!!!" The girls shouted. "Anyway, To transport think of a place and wave your finger in a swirl and boom your there" Sharna Maree explained "Now you try, Try going back to your hotel and don't come right back because I won't be here, Tomorrow meet me here at 9:30 to practise your flying skills". All four girls thought of the hotel and wave there finger around in circles and in a matter of time they were back at the hotel.

"Like dudes what a day, We just need some Meditation and Rest" Emily said as she walked into her room 1308 and shut the door. Pretty soon you could hear her snoring. "Well I better get home, My Dads taking us out to the Tiki Totem restaurant for a treat. Its like the most popular restaurant on this island" Danielle explained. "Oh my Dad is the Boss of those restaurants, Here take a this half price dinner card" Alea replied as she handed Danielle the ticket. "Thanks" Danielle said as she walked back to her house.

"I suppose we better turn in" Alyssa said as she went into her hotel room 1607 and slammed the door. Alea was the last to turn in and walked into her hotel room 0501 and went to sleep. Soon you could hear a whole heap of snoring people. It was enough to wake up the whole world.

We will continue this story 3 months later

To be continued
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MysticalsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora