The Forrest Within

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Alyssa P.O.V

I woke up and my eyes peeled open to the sound of waves drifting onto the shore. I felt dizzy and all I saw was a Figure running into a Forrest carrying something in his/her hand.

I then tried to stand up but then I fell down again. I kinda felt like I was drugged. I tried to stand up again and a fell down again. I gave up for awhile trying to find my strength.

I began to see a beautiful beach before me. Except the beach was a painting. I got up and was about to explore the Forrest when a voice called to me.

"Hey ditcher wait for us" Danielle shouted as she ran towards me. Emily then followed.

"I should like go to like the gym more often man" Emily explained.

The Forrest was filled with sunlight. It was absolutely beautiful.

"Wait haven't you noticed Alea's gone" Danielle exclaimed as she turned to the campsite and pointed.

"That's Odd" I replied. "Oh well you know how Alea can be so curious".

"That's true Dude" Emily answered nodding.

"Oh well, We need to focus at the problem at hand. We're stuck in a painting" Alyssa exclaimed.

They all then turned around and tried to look for a way out.

"Its no use dudes" Emily said after 15 minutes "We are never getting out of here".

"I think we should go further into the forest" Danielle explained.

"Okay lets ditch the boys" Alyssa explained as they all ran into the forest.

To Be Continued
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