26: Hero is Zero

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"Don't worry I'll get something to help"  She responded reassuringly as she started running towards the source of the voice calling for help. She picked up speed when she saw a small figure floating along the current. Y/n ran faster to try to reach it, but missed it as a large piece of wood crashed into her, causing her to fall back and crash down on her rear end. She groaned in pain. After getting up on her feet, she grabbed the pieces of wood and threw them aside before looking for the person who cried out for help.   As soon as she spotted the vine wrapped and wood that she tripped on. "Time to put it to good  use.." She smirked as she wrapped the vine around her before putting the wood stuck into the ground, as she sprinted toward them ignoring her aching body. The vine tightened tighter as she neared the poor person but Y/n managed to grab hold of them.  Using both arms to pull the person away from the edge.  "Hey! I got you" She assured as they both came tumbling out of the water and flopping on the ground coughing heavily. Thank you.."  He replied as he brushed himself off.  "Are you okay?" She asked worriedly
"Yeah, I think I'm fine." He said as he nodded his head.  "My names Sniffles and as you can see my project I call a plane failed"   He joked lightly.  "It's not the best name but whatever floats your boat." He shrugged his shoulders.  He rubbed his shoulder to ease the pain and looked back up at Y/n. "Thanks for saving me"  He smiled before giving her a short bow.  Y/n returned the gesture. "Anytime." She chuckled softly. "Uh bye"  Sniffles said awkwardly before turning around and starting to walk away. "I guess a hero comes late" 

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