chapter eleven = Frazer is here...

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Frazer's POV

Kate came to pick me up early because she said y/n was- well......still asleep! So I came into the house feeling like I was on holiday in a hotel. A little girl lead me to my room then I decided to go and find y/n I asked the girl where y/n was...she said she might be in her room and I can't remember what the girl was called...Faye, Faith......Flora! That was it!....anyways, I went to go find y/n. I checked in her room but....she wasn't there....then two doors down....that door was open. I poked my head in and......oh. My. God! My friend y/n basically...CUDDLING!!!!....with the boy she told me about on the phone at least-....I think it was so I leaned on the door frame, folded my arms and simply said "Had your tea, love?"

Y/n's POV

"Had your tea, love?" I heard someone say. I sat up in alarm to see Frazer leaning against Miles' door frame. "Uh- I- Frazer this- this- this isn't what it looks like!"
"Ohhhh I know what it looks like.....stopped by the pub on the way home, huh?"
"Shut up!"
Miles slowly sat up next to me and his eyes widened when he saw Frazer.
"Who is he?!?!"
"Miles this is Frazer remember I told you about him?"
"Oh....yes I remember!"

-time skip-
Me and Miles got ready and went downstairs to eat breakfast. After breakfast me and Frazer went outside and layed down by the coy pond.

"So this....Miles told me you hadn't kissed yet?!!?"
"We haven't Frazer!"
"So why did I see you bed together?!?!??!?!?"
"He had a nightmare at 2am! Frazer! He called for me!....I had to go to him!"

Miles' POV

I wondered what y/n and Frazer were talking about so....I decided to go and- well....investigate! So I sneakily went to where they were laying down with y/n's head laying across Frazer's lap. I peered through a small hole in the branches and starting eavesdropping. 

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