chapter sixteen= Mrs. Grose....

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Y/n's POV

Kate came into the living room to see Miles isn't with me. "Where's Miles??"
"Oh hey Kate! Mrs. Grose needed to speak to him!" "Okay!"
"Hey y/n!!!"
"Hey Snot face!" That was mine and Frazer's nickname for Flora by the way "Frazer is gonna come and play with me for a bit! Is that okay??"
"Yeah of course!"
"OKAY SNOT FACE!!! WOO!!! GETCHA SOME!!!" Flora and Frazer run off together and I giggle to myself.
"They're getting along well!"
"Kate! You don't say! know I think I'm gonna go and find Miles!"
I went outside and decided to go to the greenhouse he took me to the other day. But...when I got to the greenhouse door I heard two people talking inside.
"But I love her!!!" I knew who that was....Miles
"You can't love her she's a b**ch!" Mrs. Grose???
"I don't care she's a sweet girl and!"
"I knew should've died with Quint that night." Miles dropped to his knees, head in his hands and sobbed uncontrollably. "Sorry Miles....but...I'm gonna have to leave you here!"
"What?!?! Why?!?!"
"Miles it's for your own good!"
I heard clinking of chains and in the reflection of the glass I saw Mrs. Grose snapped the huge, blossoming sunflower stem, dropping it on the floor and stamped on every single bit of it. I ran and hid behind a bush as Mrs. Grose comes out from the greenhouse locking the door behind her. I now despised Mrs. Grose and now I would do anything to protect Miles. I ran to the greenhouse door, grabbed a shovel and smashed the door and shiny fragments fell into the grass. I saw Miles chained to a mini water fountain that stands in the greenhouse. "Oh Miles thank god!" His eyes widened when he saw me. I knew he was relieved. "Let's get these chains off of you!" We unchained Miles and ran into the house to look for Kate and Frazer.

-time skip-
Looking for Kate and Frazer.

"Kate! Kate! Where are you?!?!"
"Hey y/n! What's wrong??"
"Mrs. Grose chained Miles up in the greenhouse and was gonna leave him there!"
"Where's Frazer?"
"Upstairs playing with Flora! Why?"
"Kate you have to believe the Mrs. Grose thing I was the one who was chained up!"
"That's enough of your nonsense, Miles!" Then Mrs. Grose comes up behind Miles and stabbed him in the neck with a needle. Kates jaw dropped and she raised her eyebrows.
"Mrs. Grose! Why?!?!?"
Miles fell to the floor. Catching him in my arms, pulled the, now, useless needle out of his neck and tried to get him to look at me.
"I-I-I'm sorry....I d-d-didn't want to lose y-you!"
"You won't lose me Miles!"
Then with the remaining strength left in his body, Miles grabbed my cheek and pulled me into a tender kiss on the lips. Kate smirked to herself. "Wow! That was a nice image!"
"Oh! Put a Cork in it, Mrs. Grose!"
Miles then fell into the temporary slumber of the needle. I cuddled Miles whilst crying into his weary shoulder. "Mrs. Grose what the hell?!?!?"
"Someone had to do it!"
Mrs. Grose slithered away with a sickening grin plastered to her thin lips. Kate conforts me as Miles still lays there, lifeless and hopeless. Frazer and Flora came running in giggling. But their smiles dropped as they saw me crying, Kate holding me and Miles on the floor.
"What happened?!?!"
Flora crouched down to get a better view of her brother and saw the needle next to him on the floor. Then she started to sob loudly. Frazer pulled her into a hug.
"Miles...wake up! Please!"
"It's okay Flora! He'll be fine!"
"You don't know that Frazer!"
Come on let's get him to bed. After we put Miles in his bed we all went downstairs and sat on the sofa, dreading that Mrs. Grose would come into the room. Kate and I told Flora and Frazer about what Mrs. Grose did to Miles and they didn't seem very happy....especially Flora. Who knows when Miles would wake up.

Awwww poor Miles!!!
Hope your enjoying so far...please vote because I'm new to wattpad and im not doing very well vote-wise
-Georgia 💗

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