chapter twenty-one= I'm dying...

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No one's POV

Miles finally stopped wailing in y/n's arms and sat up next to her. "It's time I told you something, y/n!"
"What is it?"
"Ever since my parents died....Quint's ghost has lived inside me. And....he's never let me leave past the gates. He's made me do bad things. And-......he's.....slowly killing me from the inside...."
"What do you mean by that!?!?"
"....I'm dying y/n....actually dying!......I don't know how long I have left!"
"W-well I don't want you to die!....I-I-I- I don't wanna forget you! I don't wanna do that!"
"I know. But-.....I might not have a choice."
"I'll fix you, Miles!.....I promise!"
"Cross my heart and hope to die!"
"Stick a needle in your eye?"
"For you, Miles? Yes!"

-time skip-
After dinner

Y/n's POV

I was roaming about the halls of the Fairchild estate when I found what looked like an old diary sitting on top of a chest of drawers. I took it back to my room and slowly opened the dusty cover. I read the introduction.

Diary of Anna Bella Jessel.

I swore I heard that name before but I couldn't recall. I read the introduction.

August 30th 2019

I've started a new job working at the Fairchild Manor and the children seem.....odd. Flora not so much but Miles......I don't think he likes me that much. Anyways I was reading my book last night then at 12pm I heard Miles and some other man enter the house as if they were drunk....I think Miles told me his name was....Quint. And Miles came home with a large cut on his cheek. It was bleeding a river. I was started to think Quint talked him into getting drunk...but I'm not quite sure.

Oh god....Quint was alive when this Miss Jessel was there. I read on.

September 1st 2019
Today Flora felt a bit more....upset than usual. I heard scratching in the walls last night. I couldn't sleep....I think I saw someone standing in the corner of my room. In the morning, I saw Quint in the courtyard on a black horse. Then I heard a neigh and a THUD as if something hit the ground I looked out of the window to see Quint lying on the ground with his head smashed open on a rock....Quint died just days I feel his soul is still here...haunting me.

As I read on a cold breeze drifted into my bedroom. I still read on even though I started to get a bit scared.

September 5th 2019
I heard mummering coming from Miles room I slowly opened his door to see him talking to himself and standing stock still on the middle of his bedroom. I walked over to him and put my hands on his shoulders. He snapped his eyes up to look at me. I drew back in fear. He let out a demonic cackle as he levitated off of the ground. I yelled his name begging him to stop this madness. Then, as if he was possessed, he detached him self to the ceiling. I fell backwards and screamed but no one came. Then Miles flew down to me and wrapped his hands around my neck. And bl00d stained his teeth and poured out his mouth and his eyes. I pushed him off of me and ran to my room, locked my door and sat, cuddled up in the corner of my room.....I don't think I'm safe.

My bedroom door swung open and I closed the book and put it in my bedside draw. Mrs. Grose stood in my doorframe with her arms folded. I scowled at her. "What do you want?"
"To talk to you, y/n!"
"Fine! But make it quick!"
"Miles is dangerous!"
"What is it with you and Miles!?!?"
"Nothing I'm just trying to protect you!"
"NO! All you see in Miles is an obstacle or worst...a target! But I see a sweet boy who's trying his best to find who he is!"
"He's done things y/n.....bad things....I just don't want you to get hurt."
"Miles would never hurt me! And I would never hurt him!"
"I'm just warning you y/n!"
Mrs. Grose strolled out of my room and I started to worry.

That was a loooooong chapter. Hope you're enjoying so far

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