chapter twenty-seven= dead?!?!

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Miles' POV

I woke up in a hospital bed....again! Ironic isn't it?? 🙄 I stood up but I turned around to with doctors surrounding me. "We're losing him!" I heard one of them scream. Then....It came to me.....I was dead.
I saw y/n break down into Kates arms, she was in tears to and Flora was being held back by doctors because she wanted to be with me. I cried at the sight of this. Then I saw a man an arrow in his neck. He spoke to me.
"Your dead, mate!"
Then I cave man appeared behind me. He spoke aswell
"Classic way for you to go!"
"Oh my god! This can't be happening!"
A man in a suit with no trousers on came into my view
"Well it is, my boy, it is!" He said
"Oh no!"
"Oh yes!" An army general spoke up.
Then I backed away from the.....ghosts?!? And tripped over something....a head without a body was under my feet.
"Ow! You almost broke my nose!" The head spoke?!?!
The arrow guy spoke again
"Hello! Your a new guy so I thought I'd introduce everyone! I'm Pat! The man with no trousers is Julian! The army guy is Captain! The cave man is Robyn! And the head is Humphrey!"
"Don't forgets me!" A women came in and she looked like she'd been burnt to a crisp. "Oh and this Mary!"
"Times for food club!"
Mary spoke.
The army guy followed her and simply said.
"Yes please, Mary!"

(Not the story) if you know, you know!

(Not the story) if you know, you know!

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(Back to the story)

Miles' POV

I saw more ghosts come into the room. "Who are you?!" A elderly women in a grey dress asked me. She looked very prim and proper and it bugged me. I stuttered with fear. "Um- I-....I-!"
"ANSWER THE QUESTION DAMN YOUR EYES!!" A man yelled at me....he looked like he had a passion for...poetry?? The arrow guy came in and spoke up again. "Oh! That is Fanny! And that guy is Thomas! And the other women over there is Kitty!"
I looked over to see a younger women with a big, cheesy grin on her face.
"We're going to be BFFS!" I couldn't take it anymore.

I woke up and fell into one of y/ns hugs. She was sat on the bed with me. "Bad dreams??" She said. Her voice croaky from crying.
"Am I dead?!?!"
"NO, Miles, your not dead!"
"Oh thank god!"
"Are you okay?"
" long have I been out??"
"5 hours!"
"What time is it now?!?"
"So I passed out at....11pm?!!?'
"Yeah....we were so scared....we thought you died!"
"Yeah....I was scared to!"
"Hm....well at least your okay!"
"Are you sure you haven't got the slightest bit of witchery in you?!?"
".....because you have bewitched me!"
"Your so weird.......I like it!"
We kissed on the bed. Until Flora came in and attacked me with a fierce hug. "Miles! Your alive!"
"Your not gonna lose me that easily!"
"I know I won't!"

-time skip-
Miles was free to go and we all came home.

Oh god. That dream that Miles was quite weird. And if you haven't seen the TV series that those ghosts are from ....its literally called 'Ghosts' it's on BBC trust me....WATCH IT!!! IT'S HILARIOUS!!!
-Georgia 💗

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