chapter twenty-eight= tick tock....

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-time skip-
We all came home at 4am and we went to bed for 7 hours.

Miles' POV

I'm so scared. I'm gonna die in 9 hours.....and I'm never gonna be able to come back afterwards. I woke up with another pain....but this one was light. I trailed downstairs to see Kate in the living room, sipping a cup of tea.
"Morning Miles!"
"Morning Kate!"
"What's the matter??"
I sat down next to her .
"Kate...its time I told you something.
Um.....I'm not gonna be 9 hours!"
"What do you mean??"
"I'm gonna be.....dead."
"Kate I tried to do something but I don't have a choice."
"What about Flora!....what about y/n!"
"Y/n knows....but....Flora doesn't!"
" better tell her!"

-time skip-
Miles has written something for Flora.
5 minutes later.

I came to Flora's room. Her door was closed but I could hear her playing with her toys.
I slid a little letter under her door. And quickly ran downstairs.

Flora's POV

A letter slid under my door. I opened my door and looked up and down the hallway. I grabbed the note, sat on my bed and opened it.

Dear little sis,
I just want you to know...I love you sooooo much! Never forget it! And by the time your in bed....I....will be gone. Now, don't think this won't let you go to sleep. But....don't worry about me. I will always be there for you. Put on your brave face for me, okay! And...if I die, don't cry.....just look up to the sky, wave, and say goodbye. I promise I'll wave back. Pick a star for me. The brightest in the sky. And wish upon it every time you see it. Love your big brother,
Miles xxx

I started tearing up....was Miles being serious?!?! I buried my head in my pillow  and screamed with sadness....I might never see my brother again.

-time skip-
5 hours later.

Miles' POV

4 hours. 4 hours until my death. My actual death. I sat in the living room dreading for the 4 hours to be over.

-time skip-
3 hours and 30 mins later.

Half an hour....I felt like curling up and dying right this second. Y/n came down the stairs, flinging a suitcase about. It was her suitcase.
"Miles...we have to leave. The movers truck is outside. Quick! Pack your things!"
I ran up to my room and hastily packed all my clothes and instruments and took them to the truck. Kate came with her bags and Flora's aswell.

-time skip-
20 minutes later.

We needed to hurry. 10 minutes till I die! If I left through the gates I would be free and I will not die! As soon as I thought, 5 minutes had passed and now 5 minutes to get me out of the gates. "5 minutes!!!! Y/n!!! 5 minutes!!!!"
"Kate we have to go....NOW!!"
We all got in the car and Kate turned the key....but....the car wouldn't start.
"SH*T!!! SH*T!!"
The truck pulled out and made its way throught the gates. Kate found another house for us and now the truck was heading there. We were gonna have to make a run for it.

We all started running towards the gate so we could at least get me out of here before I die before their very eyes. I ran and ran...


I fell to my knees...this was it!

Y/n's POV

I stopped in my tracks and turned around to see Miles on his knees. He started shaking tremendously...this was it!
"Miles no please NO!!"
He looked up at and I saw his face decaying infront of my eyes.
"Y/n....we've run out of time!" Miles spat at me.
Then, Miles leant back his head up to the sky and his arms spread out. Then, Quint broke free from his chest and Miles' soul-free body dropped to the floor. I ran over to him and cradled him like a baby. Kate went to stab Quint with a sharp branch but he clasped his hand around her throat lifting her up into the air. Flora hugged her knees and hid her face in her lap. Quint dropped Kate and slowly walked over to Flora.
"Don't cry, Flora!" He spoke up.
She looked up to him with tears in her eyes.
"It's me...Quint! Remember??"
He bent down to her height and she cried even more.
"What did you do to my brother?!"
"Awww my poor doll! He's not gonna feel any pain now! You should be happy!"
"Let's not be hasty, Flora!"
"GIVE ME MILES BACK!!!" Flora grabbed another sharp branch and stabbed Quint in the throat. He backed away, tripping over and stopped moving on the floor. Flora ran over to Me and Miles and kneeled down next to us.
"No Miles! Don't do this!" I said to him, comforting him with immense power. Quint broke apart into colourful specks of dust and floated up to the sky leaving a blue ghost ball floating towards us. Kate joined us as the ghost ball came to Miles and disappeared into Miles' chest. He inhaled greatly and exhaled slowly.
"Miles! Your okay!"
"He's still going, y/n!" Flora said to me
"He has to!"
"Miles! Please don't go! Don't leave me please! I love you!"
"I know....I know....I'm sorry!....for everything. I thought it would be funny to terrorise you but it wasn't. I'm so sorry!"
"It's okay! You're gonna be fine!" I said to him.
"Flora!" Miles reached out his withered, bony hand and she took it.
He was cold.
"I wish...mum and dad were here!"
Flora stood with tears in her.
"T-t-take care of y/n!"
He said to her. She nodded in response.
He let go of her hand and looked back to me.
"You know I love you! And I-I always will! Okay! If you ever need me. I'll be in here! And in here!"
He put his index and his middle finger where me heart is and where my mind is. He stroked me cheek.
"I love you guys....soooo much!"
Two ghostly figures came walking towards was Miles and Flora's parents. They were here to claim him. His mum bent down and rested her hand on his forehead and a tear escaped his eye. His father came down and kissed his forehead. That made Miles close his eyes and his chest....stopped moving.
"Miles?....Miles?!?!....MILES!!" his heart started to glow then his body started to evaporate into blue specs and flew up into the night sky. My arms were empty. I cried into my hands and Kate hugged me.
"LOOK!!" Flora yelled. Me and Kate looked to where Flora pointed and saw...three bright stars in a row.
"At least he's with them now!" Flora simply said. I knew who she was talking about....he was with his parents.

Almost the end of this story...

-Georgia 💗

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