Broken Promises

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Extremely short but I needed to put closure across so I can move on to the next bit of the story, Frank's operation! Yay!!!!!! Btw I am honored to have over 500 hundred views on this story. It makes me feel like people want to read my work. So yeah, I appreciate everyone who takes time from their lives to waste it on my crappy writing. LOV YA EVERYONE!

Ray's POV

Everyone's deepest darkest secrets are broken.

Everyone's life and soul are bashed into pieces.

Everyone who I knew and cared for, are hurt, injured and at the point of near death.


Beaten. Operation. Raped.

All important things flash into my mind, and I feel isolated. I'm not as strong as I thought.


Suicide. Bullet. Gun.

No words nor thoughts conclude why he had sone what he had done. And now his memory has gone. But he remembers me, Frank and Mikey, remembers his boyfriend, but no recollection of his mother.


Gun. Shot. Bullet. Innocent.

Innocence says it all. I'm not even gunna try and ponder.

Donna knows, Frank's mum knows and now even Ally knows. My promises have been broken, and I feel guilty. It wasn't my fault Frank spilled his relationship status, but it was my fault for bringing Mikey down with me. It wasn't right for Donna to find out like this. But she did. And my mind has been blown to smithereens.

Words cannot even cope of how I feel. Fuck them. Fuck this. Fuck life.

Famous Last Words! (Frerard fic, also a bit of Mikey/Ray)Where stories live. Discover now